Recent content by caravanoracle

  1. C


    the replacement charger on this age bailey should be changed immediately by a dealer and i speak from experience. chargers are covered and i know bailey have never refused one under warranty whenever i have submitted a claim. with this fact i simply change them and usually claim them back after...
  2. C

    By passing bulkhead regulator

    plus you could have a clesse regulator fitted instead. same operating pressure and they dont clog up like the truma ones are prone for.
  3. C

    By passing bulkhead regulator

    a new truma regulator costs less about
  4. C

    Bailey Blinds

    i have found the blind legs to be too far appart at the bottom on a few GT60 Rangers, therefore not locking in correctly at the bottom.
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    Bailey Blinds

    i have found the blind legs to be too far appart at the bottom on a few GT60 Rangers, therefore not locking in correctly at the bottom.
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    Bailey Pump Senator Ser.5

    these pumps are noisey by nature of the fact that instead if being submersed in a container outside the pump, they are now inside the caravan and reverb through the floor. the usual problem for the reverb is the fact that they are rarely installed correctly. if the fixings to the floor or...
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    Fleetwood owners

    i find it a bit one sided when a customer rings consumer direct and they provide the bullets for the customer to shoot. its almost like they dont want businesses to win in any case. in some cases consumer direct are simply wrong and are badly advising a customer of their rights. as a dealer we...
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    Fleetwood owners

    as previous avondale dealers have found out using their lawers, the dealer (not an agent) is not as liable as some people think and the SOGA isnt as clear cut as you may think, especially when you are NOT an agent.
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    Fleetwood owners

    the customer was claiming i was liable for a crack in the front panel of his 5 yr old caravan he bought from me. the crack was noticed by the customer 4 weeks after his 5th service and tried to say the technician had either missed it or ignored it. this is because his extended warranty was still...
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    Fleetwood owners

    the sales of goods act isnt as clear cut as first thought, and i know for a fact that a lot of advice given by consumer direct is not to the letter of the law but the interpretation of the individual advisor. i recently attended a court case were i was representing the company i`m employed by...
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    Fleetwood owners

    most dealers were not agents for fleetwood and therefore, according to baristers and lawers who have a better knowledge of retail law than me, say that the legal obligations of the dealer are NOT the same when the manufacturer goes into admin. i know two dealers who were taken to court by...
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    Caravan service

    90% of all my services are sameday services ie. drop off at 8.30 pick up after lunch or drop off at 11 and collect before 5pm. so i can only say if someone needs a caravan for 2 weeks they are either very disorganised or dont carry a correct amount of the correct parts needed to complete a...
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    painting the wallboards

    as a caravan repairer myself i have painted a few ceilings over the years with not one single problem. vinyl silk emulsion.
  14. C

    New Stealth Caravan Launch

    can i ask will these caravans be sold direct to the public or do you intend to have a dealer network? if through a network, who have you approached?
  15. C

    Baileys apology
