Recent content by flippered1

  1. F

    Teeny babies in caravans

    Hi Jennifer, We have a 5 week old baby, who has spent the majority of his short life in Special Care Baby Unit and we went away last week, one week after he was sent home to escape the hordes of visitors descending on us. (BTW, this was with the agreement of the midwife who thought the fresh...
  2. F

    weekend sites

    Hi Craig, Looks like we are both in similiar situations what with being new to caravanning and in the Lancashire area also. Like you, I found Beacon Fell truly dreadful, but have had excellent reports about The Plassey near Wrexham. We are going there week after next. I also intend to try...
  3. F

    Lady's Mile - Dawlish

    Has anyone stayed at this stayed at this site before? If so what did you think? We have recently started caravanning and endured a dreadful stay at Beacon Fell in Lancashire where the pitches were tiny; dogs roamed wild; toilets were antiquated, outdated and dirty and the clientele -well! I...