GUMPY's latest activity

    GUMPY replied to the thread About time Judges.
    He wasn't an MP at the time. The young lady should have been rewarded for her actions.
    GUMPY reacted to ProfJohnL's post in the thread Leisure battery charging with Like Like.
    If a 12V LA battery has discharged to the point where smart charger saw it as only a 6V battery, then it has been allowed to...
    GUMPY replied to the thread Volvo EV Progress.
    Even my ancient Yeti asks me if I want it to find a filling station when the tank gets low.
    GUMPY reacted to Mel's post in the thread Volvo EV Progress with Like Like.
    An EV is not the same as an ICE and trying to demonstrate that you can drive both in the same way appears pointless. If you want to...
    I have a very nice ( I hope) bottle of Red Spätburgunder.* Difficult to get over here but Step Son has just been on a work trip to...
    GUMPY replied to the thread Leisure battery charging.
    Mine charges at 5 amps from the car. That's 10hrs to get 50% of the battery capacity. However the motor mover on a decent run, 50yards...
    When it's windy my off peak electricity price is about 3pkWh or less. Tomorrow peak period 5-7 pm it's all gas and is 92pkWh. Even the...
    From an anti wind turbine pressure group, I'm sure this will be unbiased reliable and truthful. There is nothing dangerous about wind...
    GUMPY reacted to Buckman's post in the thread What is classed as too windy to tow? with Sad Sad.
    We are going to have the same issue with wind and solar farms at some point in the future as I believe their effective lifespan is only...
    GUMPY reacted to ProfJohnL's post in the thread What is classed as too windy to tow? with Like Like.
    There has been pressure from many political directions not just the "Greens" about the use of nuclear, and what to do with the...
    Only in this mess because of the previous massive campaign by the greens to close all the nuclear power stations.🫣
    GUMPY reacted to ProfJohnL's post in the thread What is classed as too windy to tow? with Like Like.
    If you look out over the patchwork quilt quintessential English farmland you are looking at a man made vista. Over time we have made...
    It amazes me that people can be so selfish and stupid😱 But there again maybe it doesn't .
    Have you seen Hinckley Point ? A bigger blot on the landscape I can't imagine. As for Nimbys, near me there is a decommissioned power...
    GUMPY replied to the thread Merger Three & Vodafone.
    WiFi calling works fine with Smarty for me. As far as I know Smarty has exactly the same services as Three, I've never noticed anything...