Recent content by mark_374224456

  1. M

    mag cover

    half of us are under 35 alas the other half (the ugly half) is 40 in a few weeks
  2. M

    Pyramid Products PDQ Awning i just found this video which may be of use to you
  3. M

    2007 forum users rally

    excuse my ignorance but how does one actually book for this event>?
  4. M


    playing the santa one at the moment - when the kids are in the car that is.....
  5. M


    I have recently installed a few new voices - one of them is girl who talks in an utterly filthy manner after each instruction...... i go everywhere the complicated way now!!
  6. M

    Mouse deterent

    i work in the grain industry moth balls do work, as does light so if you can keep bulbs on in the nooks and crannies - maurice will not nest. This works - but not always prctical i realise.
  7. M

    What do you have for breakfast on Christmas morning?

    last year i watched the gordon ramsay dvd free in the times - on it he recoomended a lovely looking dish of what he called aubergine caviar, so i made this on christmas eve. in the morning we came down swapped presents, then tried the grey gooey looking thing in the dish. it was blooody...
  8. M

    Dogs and vans

    dogs are submissive pack animals - they need to know that they are low down the pack. Mine love sleeping ouside on the back step - i am certain that they like it cos they keep barking and scratching the door to tell me how much they love being outside.
  9. M

    Dogs and vans

    tongue was firmly planted in cheek! My Manchester Terrier is absolutely devoted to me , but the Dalmation Ella is just like my ex wife - a dumb bimbo - Kristie loves her though! She oves Ella that is, not my ex wife. The dogs do sleep outsie though - as they do at home.
  10. M

    Dogs and vans

    Stick 'em in the awning, thats what we do, after all they are only dogs...............
  11. M


    Hi Liz - thanks for yopuir replies, very useful to know....... and yes I am new also
  12. M


    I have recently acquired a de-humidifier and i have just taken 2 bottles of water from teh 'van. I plan to try and keep the dreaded dampness away from our Adria Now my question is do i keep it runing all wiinter, or periodically run it.?? Or now that i have done it the once will thsi suffice...
  13. M

    kids... not all bad.

    by the same token, i wish some more senior aged peope would not assume that just because kids are walking passe their van that they are about to cause havoc.
  14. M

    would anyone know where i can get one of these small dog awni...