Mouse deterent

Aug 9, 2005
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We are thinking of storing our Van on a grain Farm for the Summer months next year, has anyone any solutions to detering mice from getting into the Van? I have heard Mothballs are good, and of course we will fit very fine mesh over all air inlets, what about the fire vent that is under the Van anyone know if this can have fine mesh put over the vent, not sure if we will have a problem, but would like to be prepared, just in case.


Field mice will get in quite small openings. Grass or anything growing alongside or under the van will ease their entry to the van so a hard standing will be best bet on a farm.
Aug 9, 2005
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Thanks euro,I have asked for a Hardstanding, not one available at the moment, but possible by the Summer, so I am keeping my fingers crossed. still hoping someone can tell me if it's safe to put very fine mesh on the fire outlet under the Van.all other remedies welcome I will try them all. LOL.
Mar 14, 2005
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We have used mothballs for some years now and, so far, no mice. Read somewhere that a stored 'van with mothballs not only stayed mouse free but also kept the neighbouring 'vans free too. 'Vans outside the "area of influence" were nibbled it seems. Some shops look blank when you ask for mothballs so you may have to shop around. Makes the 'van smell like yer old Grannies wardrobe but it soon wears off.
Sep 21, 2006
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i work in the grain industry

moth balls do work, as does light so if you can keep bulbs on in the nooks and crannies - maurice will not nest.

This works - but not always prctical i realise.
Aug 9, 2005
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Thanks for your replies, Mothballs it is then, got to admit, I am a little worried, as we have always kept the Van on the drive, but have decided to camp and store at this site for the Summer,so please keep your tips and experiences coming,I am going to put fine but strong mesh over the air outlets, so will perhaps put a couple of mothballs on the mesh in a net bag, just waiting to see if anyone has been able to do anything with the fire outlet, not sure what to do there,!!are there any places I should make sure that they can't get in??
Mar 14, 2005
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Just hang the mesh bag with mothballs somewhere in the middle of the 'van about knee height - makes them easy to move when you use it; I hang them on the spare wheel in the front locker then. Or you could always put them in a shallow bowl or some such so long as there is no danger of children or pets discovering them.
May 25, 2005
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Shiba, don't worry about the fire inlet. I doubt that you will have an infestation if you use mothballs. My recommendation is to put a couple in 4 small mesh bags and place them at each corner - inside the 'van. The smell will deter the rodent population. We never found the fire inlet in our 26' twin axle Hobby to be a problem. Thanks, of course, to the mothballs!!! I would recommend the use of mothballs on either grass or hardstanding. Rodents know no difference!
Aug 9, 2005
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Thanks Ann, It's great to hear how others have dealt with this problem, I am hoping to be on Hardstanding, just hope the dogs don't mind the smell, I will leave them in the car while I air the Van, and put the mothballs away safely.
Jul 25, 2005
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We have used mothballs in our caravans for about 40 years now. Including the static which is parked at a friend's farm in Scotland. The static is on hard standing with grass all around.

We have seen plenty mice around but never had any damage in the van. Rabbits did try gnawing the electric cables under the van.

You will find that caravan vents are designed to allow the correct amount of airflow/ventilation to the inside of the van, so I would not interfere with any vents by restricting this. You may find a restriction to the vents against NCCC guide lines, apart from it being dangerous.

If you do use anything to restrict mice/vermin entry to your van, don't forget to remove it before using the van again. Apart from anything else the smell of moth balls will be over whelming if ventilation not adequate.

Aug 9, 2005
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Hi Pop, thanks for your reply, if I was to put fine metal mesh over the vents, fitted on the underside of the Van, do you think this would be ok.I would still be letting air into the Van as I intend to get mesh that has lots of small holes, and we do only use the fire on Electricity,where and how do you put yor mothballs, I am beginning to sound Paraniod now, but it is me that wants to leave the Van on site, Hubby says as it is only an hour away from home it's not worth the risk of mice,so I have got to get it right or I will be in deep ****. the way we are both getting on a bit so thought it would make life easier.
May 25, 2005
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Hi Shiba

Instead of covering the vents with anything try hanging bags containing the mothballs down the vent openings (using the bag draw stings) . However, it is important that you remove and air the van as much as possible before sleeping in it. The smell can be nauseous. If you are leaving your van unattended for a short period (ie not over the full winter period) then ONE mothball in each bag should be OK. Try to keep the smell down as much as possible and keep pets at bay. When not in use I used to store the mesh bags, including the mothballs in a couple of plastic bags hanging from the grab handles of the van. Well out of the way of everything and easy access when needed.


Aug 9, 2005
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Thanks Ann, it will be Summer time, and the Van will be used every or every other weekend, I have just been reading an old book that gives tips on various things, and that also recommends Cayenne Pepper, or euycaliptus oil? I wish someone could think of something less smelly. Cheers.


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