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      sinastergator replied to the thread hobby landhaus.
      it depends on the shipping length ,which is the total with the a frame or the body length,the 7 metre limit is the body length
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      sinastergator replied to the thread hobby landhaus.
      depends on what you tow it with,you could be breaking the law and your insurance could be void
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      sinastergator replied to the thread hobby landhaus.
      hello and thank you for your comprehensive reply,there must be thousands of caravan owners breaking the law in the uk,i feel that the...
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      sinastergator replied to the thread hobby landhaus.
      hello and thanks for your reply,i way i read the law is that the MAM of the car and trailer is 8.25 tonnes which is well within the...
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      sinastergator replied to the thread hobby landhaus.
      hello the 7.26 metres is the body length
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      sinastergator posted the thread hobby landhaus in Technical.
      hello,i have just joined this forum and would appreciate some advice on the hobby landhaus caravan,i have a toyota landcruiser so there...
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