Recent content by Sooty

  1. S

    jammed towing ball

    Ive picked up my first caravan and now the ball can not be released from the ball, the hitch has a side spring release. any idea's on how to release it would be appreciated. From the sound of other posts, I must have the wrong ball fitted for that hitch, could that be likely. cheers sooty
  2. S

    jammed towing ball

    Hi.I've just bought my 1st caravan, got it home but had to undo the bolts to the ball to get it from the car, the side spring release dosn't seem to work, any idea's welcome. cheers Sooty
  3. S

    1st caravan

    Hi. everyone. Meet the novice, got the Eddis Shamal CT home and could'nt disconnect the towing ball, (side spring clip wouldn't release) had to undo the towing ball from the car.. Any idea's how to get it disconnected. Cheers Sooty