ú900 road tax for 4x4???

Mar 14, 2005
i must have been hearing things,as much as £900 for high emmission type vehicles,they can't possibly do this, the knock on effect could be disastrous for a lot of industries.well they'd wipe me out,bang goes the caravan not just 4x4 but people carriers as well,who the hell thinks up these ridiculous ideas the anti 4x4 brigade must be delerious,what do others think of this ridiculous crusade.
Mar 14, 2005
Klarky, who's saying this? Does this mean I have to get the snipers rifle out again?
Mar 14, 2005
just caught it on the news as i was driving back from derby,its a recommendation from some body or other no doubt it will be in the news shortly.2sniper rifles to go
Mar 14, 2005
Ok, we'll just have to start at the top and work our way down until we get the correct loony. Pack some sarnies, this may take longer than a morning.........
Mar 14, 2005
yeh its frightening deano,i cant really see it coming off,they probably will try and tax these type of cars a little higher but
Mar 14, 2005
If this happens, then I will change the 4x4 for a saloon car and place a notice on the back of the caravan reading something like:

Apologies for the slowness

If I still had my 4x4 I would be driving at the speed of the rest of the trsffic (subject to staying within the speed limit). As the anti 4x4 lobby have priced those off of the road please vent your anger on them for only travelling at 20mph as this is a heavy caravan and ideally requires a 4x4 - also beware of increased danger of snaking due to a lack of weight differential
Mar 14, 2005
Great minds (hmmm??) think alike. It's interesting that the anti-4x4 lobby in the UK is contemplating similar ideas as over here in Germany. It would be nice to know who's copying who.

Up to now, larger 4x4's with a GVW of over 2800kg have been treated for taxation purposes as commercial vehicles and rated by weight. As trucks go, 4x4's are relatively light so they have benefitted from this system. However, plans are now to tax 4x4's for private use by engine size, same as cars. In some cases, this will result in doubling the road tax. Looks like they're out to get you wherever you live.
Mar 14, 2005
thing is, if we all change our cars, the second hand value of our cars will plummet,in fact you probably wont be able to give them away
Mar 27, 2005
Hi All

I have said it before on this forum so i'm repeating myself now but there has always been and always will be those that take the view'I don't like it so you can't do it'. I run a business that has just been hit by this mentality (no not hunting). Now i appreciate that the nature of my business is not everybodies cup of tea and I accept that. 'Live and let live' has always been my moto. Personally I dont agree with fishing but hey if you like fishing you go ahead.I often wonder if the people who get off on moaning constantly eventually end up on the receiving end as it seems that whatever you do eventually ends up targeted by a minority who dont think you should be allowed to do it. There is another side of the coin in that I (genuinely) have to run a 4x4 due to the nature of my business and if high taxes were levied I would simply have to put my costs up. I wonder what the reaction would be if some-one who lobbied to get these taxes through then wanted to hire my services and realised why they were having to pay more.
Mar 14, 2005
Klarky - let's hope the thought police and bean counters don't cotton onto the fact that most towing vehicles mpg drops to the early 20's with the van behind, otherwise they'll be screamong for road tax on vans too! What ever happened to a free world? Personally I wouldn't want a 4x4 as I do about 45000 miles a year, but I would defend anybody's right to have one. Anyway 4x4 drivers are paying a lot more in tax already via the fuel pumps, and as most 4x4 owners only use them for tugging their vans about, their annual mileage must be quite low, which means that the extra fuel used by larger vehicles is negligible. The Gov have tried to stop Co Car drivers like me having big gas guzzlers - fair enough, so I've switched to Diesel and 40mpg average from my BMW 525d Touring, and now they're going to remove the 3% discount for the cleaner EuroIV engines - double standards or what?
Mar 14, 2005
Having read the article, it will all come down to politics and statistics. Blair saw his majority drop by 100 at the last election. How popular will hiking the tax be - and how many more votes will he lose? As normal, he wants to look the big man and has imposed reductions within the public sector higher than they need be - the big global politician. Talk of taxes on aviation fuel will harm him - a large majority of us fly on holiday so that would not be popular. I note that the ministerial cars are changing from Jags (except for Prescott) to Toyotas - perhaps Blair will start taking the train to Bognor instead of jetting off to Tuscany. One option they could take is that by a certain year any new vehicles must be capable of a minimum of x mpg and a max of y emissions.
Aug 4, 2004
Most diesel 4 x 4 can be converted to vegetable oil and pollution levels are far lower than a petrol engine but the government still impose a tax because you want to be environmentally friendly. I thought thjt the high tax on fuel was supposed to be an environment tax.
Jun 1, 2005
i think this is a silly idea we have 4 kids and we used to have to take 2 cars on holiday until we got a 4x4 7 seater now we can fit us all in. So better for the environment for us to take one car or two???
May 10, 2005
I think you're missing the issue. I don't have an issue with 4x4 drivers if they have a valid reason for having one, ie towing or living in the country with bad weather conditions in the winter. But honestly, having a massive 4x4 for going shopping in and taking the kids to school. It's ridiculous!!!
Mar 14, 2005
Vann, your use of the word 'massive' is a little motive and erroneous. Whilst the volume might be more than most cars, it is probably less than people carriers (no negative comments are made about these) the ar of road that most take up is less than some Jaguars, Lexus, Rover 75, Mercedes, BMWs, people carriers etc - so why target 4 x 4s??????
Jul 4, 2005
Well, i suppose this is typical of this government. Last I heard not long after the election was a pay as you go scheme, with GPS in every vehicle. No road tax and reduced fuel tax. You just pay for the mileage. I suppose if you drive at least 2 jags, or are payed by us to do it, you can say what you like. I dont think they have made their minds up yet, but that could take a while. I think it would outrage haulage companies, farmers, delivery people, car dealers and anyone else who uses 4x4 vehicles either recreationally or for business. I never know whether these comments from politicians are for real or just testing the water to see what the reaction would be. Sever I suspect in this case.
Mar 14, 2005
If the anti 4x4 brigade are so determined to rid the roads of these "gas guzzlers" what about the 44 ton artics which are roaming up and down the motorway and other roads. The Royal Mail took their business off the rail a few years ago but have now decided to go back to the trains, apparantly cheaper and more efficient. There are lorries travelling out of Corus Port Talbot with one coil of steel whilst a train from the same works has 20 trucks and four coils to each truck. Why not go back to the rail and set up feeder distribution points with smaller lorries serving the locality.

Aa mentioned previously these so called do gooders or, as I refer to them as, head bangers are out to get anything and anyone. Having finished with foxhunting they are now having a go at fishing, 4x4s, etc. They must be stopped before it is to late.
Mar 14, 2005
OK OK I'll come clean, as a govt adviser on future road policy, I came up with the idea to tax 4x4's off the road ...............it'll leave more space for me and 2 Jags as he was quite rightly complaining that he was finding it difficult to park his jags, although he did manage to bop someone on the nose the other day and stole the parking space. What would rather have empty roads and plenty of parking spaces or 2 jags bopping you on the nose?
Mar 14, 2005
I think you're missing the issue. I don't have an issue with 4x4 drivers if they have a valid reason for having one, ie towing or living in the country with bad weather conditions in the winter. But honestly, having a massive 4x4 for going shopping in and taking the kids to school. It's ridiculous!!!


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