2017 Elddis Crusader Zephyr review

Aug 23, 2009
The real con that isn't mentioned is the current ranking with regard to customer satisfaction. :whistle:
May 7, 2012
Like Martin the ranking in the surveys and owners comments would put me off. Before I would buy anything from Eldiss I would need to know that the new owners had improved the quality significantly.
May 7, 2012
emmerson said:
How about reviewing it in ten years time?

It depends if there is still anything left to review!
To be fair to Eldiss their scores did improve in the last survey, but unfortunately they were still last for customer satisfaction.
It might make an interesting article if the magazine were to visit them to see what changes, if any, are being made under the new owners.
Jun 4, 2018
We have owned the Zephyr for 13 months now and ownership has caused us far too much stress. Meant as our final, ultimate caravan, we are completely disillusioned with Elddis and the dealer we bought it from. I will leave the niggles that I think come with all caravans, but two things are worth mentioning and we are advised by the dealer that we have not been alone in our experience.
Firstly, we had a decent sized water leak, in a caravan with a 10 year warranty. 4 months old and the dealer picked it up and repaired it. Elddis was not interested at all, although our view remained that a carefully controlled production line should have ensured that there was no mistakes, certainly much more controlled than a dealer's repair shop. The Director of the dealer advised that we have the 10 year warranty that will continue to ensure the leaks are repaired, because they will happen. Not sure I like that answer or comment at all.
Secondly, the Ozio furnishings are awful, really not designed to last. At the 4 month point, we asked that they were replaced, to be advised a replacement would be in the same state 4 months down the line. After 13 months waiting, the Ozio stuff has been replaced, by a company based near Birmingham and they are awful. A huge glue stain and they have not been filled well at all. We don't know what to do now.
The caravan feels like a 5 year old, well used caravan. Over £27000 spent and we are not happy at all. It just feels like a cheap, well used caravan: I wish we still had the 2008 Swift Conqueror 645. The Bailey Pamplona that replaced the Swift leaked within 3 months and it took Bailey an age to repair. What is going wrong with the new build processes and the manufacturer's claim that this is the best way to build these expensive investments?
Mar 14, 2005
Look up your rights under the Consumer rights Act. they're may well be a remedy through it. These are your rights, not something the seller can choose to ignore.
May 7, 2012
You have rights under The Consumer Protection Act and I would mention you had checked these out to the dealer and it is their responsibility to put things right. If you are a member of either of the clubs there Legal helplines can advise in detail and you may also have one with your home insurance or any trade union membership. Failing that try Citizens Advice.
If you paid for any part of the purchase on a credit charge or bought it on HP then the company lending you the money also has a liability so I would notify them of the problem.


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