2017-season Ventura Pascal 390 awning review

Jul 11, 2015
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Looks almost identical to our Bradcot Aspire Air, but different colours and more guy lines on the Ventura. The Bradcot was only £899 including the electric pump.

The Bradcot only requires the fitment of the storm guys if it gets windy, with a simple clip in design.

The Ventura hasn't the option, although included with our Bradcot, electric pump from the review. 150 pumps on a manual device doesn't appear very innovative in the 21st century.

The Bradcot introduced the curtain rods and elasticated 'hold backs', that fit across the lower part of the curtains.

Does the Ventura come with draught skirt, wheel well cover and rear metallic legs to secure against the caravan in stormy weather? No mention in the review. The Bradcot does.

What length of warranty? 3 years for the Bradcot.

In summary, the Ventura is not a budget product, it's the top end of inflatable awnings price wise. Hasn't an electric pump option, no rear legs and has more guy lines than lower price competitors from the review. Further research may answer the shortcomings, but the object of a review is to be comprehensive especially given the price point.

For Isabella's first foray into the inflatable market, must do better; or are they uncertain of their premium price point on traditional awnings and want to test the market? If so they missed the target with this one.
May 17, 2017
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The obvious difference between the Ventura and the Bradcot, is the position of the doors. Bradcot have had to recall some of their awnings to have a piece inserted because the doors were too difficult to open and close, a gusset in a new expensive awning can't be too pleasing.


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