2018 Elddis Crusader Supercyclone review

May 7, 2012
Generally the deign looks good but I do not like the silly washbasins we often find. The Belfast sink types are far better in practice but possibly do not look as good in the showroom. Not sure the lack of a light in the shower is a problem provided the lighting outside is up to the job.
I would need some reassurance that the quality of Eldiss products has improved before I would look at anything from them.
Jan 20, 2018
Raywood said:
Generally the deign looks good but I do not like the silly washbasins we often find. The Belfast sink types are far better in practice but possibly do not look as good in the showroom. Not sure the lack of a light in the shower is a problem provided the lighting outside is up to the job.
I would need some reassurance that the quality of Eldiss products has improved before I would look at anything from them.
We do find that Eldiss/hymer group have now relaxed in there products.to the extent of going cheap.
I find that they bring out a new model,then next year they improve /iron out the snaggs people say about.then the third year they cheapen it up by taking thing off.
Small maybe it.but our 2016 has 4 side repeated down each side.2017 has 3.ok saving 2 per van.and as said.our bathroom sink is enamel effect matcjing the kitchen.now it clinical white.Not tv brackets now either.yet its gone up over £1k in price..??
May 7, 2012
I hope the extra money has gone in to improving quality, I have always felt Eldiss products were built down to a price, rather than up to standard. I suspect you will now get Hymer standard bits appearing, to get the economies of scale, so that might account for the bathroom sink, and does an extra repeater light on the side matter, I am not sure but take the point.
The missing TV brackets might just be one saving too many though but it depends if the layout actually needs them.
Jan 20, 2018
no tv brackets from new.only 2 places for tv .240 tv and sat connection.1 near door.shelf not big enough for a tv stand,so need a bracket.and same really with the bedroom points.if you wanted to put a tv on the front table there is no tv points .
side repeater dont really matter to me but there is a long gap of over 8ft to the first side repaeater.on the 2017on.
sink was matching the kitchen in enamel and the facier boards in colour scheme.now white.seems petty,but is unattractive.
Tracker has been down graded .2016 keeps you in touch and tell you of the event of tow away or breakin
The newer version .you have to tell them.so if in storage maybe 2 or three weeks before you know it gone.this can be upgraded at cost when ordering from new.
Although i am refering our buccaneer.we have found that speaking to other owner this is the general concept of the eldiss group.
Nov 11, 2009
Since quite a number of caravan parts are imported I suspect the drop in the value of the pound could be partly responsible for some ‘downgrading’ of spec, as may be the increase in legal minimum wage too. Perhaps as the Hymer takeover begins to feed through economies of scale might redress things, and hopefully give a positive boost to build standard.
Jan 20, 2018
Raywood said:
I hope the extra money has gone in to improving quality, I have always felt Eldiss products were built down to a price, rather than up to standard. I suspect you will now get Hymer standard bits appearing, to get the economies of scale, so that might account for the bathroom sink, and does an extra repeater light on the side matter, I am not sure but take the point.
The missing TV brackets might just be one saving too many though but it depends if the layout actually needs them.
,after the new cra act giving the customer a better outlook on poor quality and bad repair.this may now be getting to a thing of the past.and should make the dealers and manufauture sit up a bit more and take notice and produce better standards and less friday afternoon caravans.
Mar 14, 2005
zoaman said:
,after the new cra act giving the customer a better outlook on poor quality and bad repair.this may now be getting to a thing of the past.and should make the dealers and manufauture sit up a bit more and take notice and produce better standards and less friday afternoon caravans.

That is certainly a hope that I share, but there is still far to much apathy on the part of consumers to complain when things do go wrong.

Sadly the history of UK the caravanning has been littered with so many faults, that the expectation of the customers is that they expect poor quality and the the certainty of needing to take a caravan back for some sort of repair at or before its first service.

The caravan manufacturers know this and are happy to build in a hefty addition cost on each caravan to cover warranty failures. What they seem to fail to realise is that if they did each part of the assembly and manufacturing job right first time every time, their warranty costs would plummet, and they would be more profitable.
May 7, 2012
ProfJohnL said:
zoaman said:
,after the new cra act giving the customer a better outlook on poor quality and bad repair.this may now be getting to a thing of the past.and should make the dealers and manufauture sit up a bit more and take notice and produce better standards and less friday afternoon caravans.

That is certainly a hope that I share, but there is still far to much apathy on the part of consumers to complain when things do go wrong.

Sadly the history of UK the caravanning has been littered with so many faults, that the expectation of the customers is that they expect poor quality and the the certainty of needing to take a caravan back for some sort of repair at or before its first service.

The caravan manufacturers know this and are happy to build in a hefty addition cost on each caravan to cover warranty failures. What they seem to fail to realise is that if they did each part of the assembly and manufacturing job right first time every time, their warranty costs would plummet, and they would be more profitable.

Absolutely true.


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