Mar 14, 2005
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Not another anti 4x4 rant starting up...... YYYAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWNNNNNNNN. Now I know why I stopped looking at this rubbish,


Mar 14, 2005
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Barney I raised this matter under the heading "Chit Chat" not as a 4x4 rant but to highlight an association run by its members entering into political issues. A friendly club such as the C&CC should be non political and there in the interests of its members.
Jan 19, 2008
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LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO I can understand Barney's point about 4x4s but if only people would read the threads properly instead of seeing red mist and jumping to conclusions things would be much better on here. Colins original post was about 4x4s ok, but the main issue was the C&CC and David Bellamy's comments, please see that when reading the threads. Now the main point of this new thread and the question is to Barney because he started it.

If you are fed up with 4x4 threads why the hell start another one??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Beggars belief.
Jan 19, 2008
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A typical example of people being soooo incensed by what they read and the red mist descending causing them to reply and lose all sense of logic was in another thread yesterday. Kanga, it was so obvious it was him lmaooo, made a post as David Bellamy which did make me chuckle a bit. Imagine my surprise though when people started to reply to him as if it was really David Bellamy. I thought -- whatttttt, get real people. As if Bellamy is bothered about what the likes of people in a little forum like this think of him. Oh well, as the forum turns...........
Jul 12, 2005
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It is obvious from your comment that you did not read the thread. Maybe if you did you would have seen it is about the C&CC and their comments
Mar 14, 2005
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LB - Sorry to widdle in your cornflakes again but David Bellamy does often enter into correspondence - see as just one example.

Fabulous taking to task by a skilled jounalist (whose views I do not agree with but do respect) of Bellamy who has made some howlers of late.

The C&CC article is clearly the latest.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Colin

One post referred to Mud-Plugging as a sexual deviation and suggested I would know all about it.

So the usual "Playground level" abuse because of the obvious lack of verbal skills for a real debate.


I suppose in life we all make conscious decisions on who we associate with. With me, anyone who is rude, arrogant, liar never becomes a friend, colleague or client. We filter them out.

Such a Forum as this does not give us the luxury of being able to filter this individual out.

It should do, but sadly it does not.

If this lad carries on like this in real life I would think an ASBO is likely and probably the least of what life will throw at him in total.
Jan 19, 2008
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Lord B I missed the reply from "David Bellamy" can you give a precis of its contents - should be interesting and amusing?
I cant actually remember Colin so as you see, it had no impression on me. It was so obvious it was another Kanga windup unfortunately, but fortunately for Kanga because it worked. It wasn't even worth copying knowing His Moddyship would delete it.
Jan 19, 2008
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LB - Sorry to widdle in your cornflakes again but David Bellamy does often enter into correspondence - see as just one example.

Fabulous taking to task by a skilled jounalist (whose views I do not agree with but do respect) of Bellamy who has made some howlers of late.

The C&CC article is clearly the latest.
Too late Clive - I had my cornflakes 5 hours ago :OP heheheh!
Jan 19, 2008
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Clive I do recall now Kanga aka David Bellamy saying that mud-plugging sounded a bit perverted but dont recall him saying you would know all about it. If he did I apologise, maybe His Moddyship still has the original post. I did find the "mud plugging" description funny at the time and I'm sure I wouldn't have done if it was aimed at you or anyone else. I do also recall him saying "Hi Clive" to get a response from you. Again if your name was mentioned and he was implying the term mudplugging at you I apologise for thinking it was funny.
Mar 14, 2005
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LB - Sorry to widdle in your cornflakes again but David Bellamy does often enter into correspondence - see as just one example.

Fabulous taking to task by a skilled jounalist (whose views I do not agree with but do respect) of Bellamy who has made some howlers of late.

The C&CC article is clearly the latest.
So you didn't notice my todge at the window!

What a relief!

Quite literaly!
May 4, 2005
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LB - Sorry to widdle in your cornflakes again but David Bellamy does often enter into correspondence - see as just one example.

Fabulous taking to task by a skilled jounalist (whose views I do not agree with but do respect) of Bellamy who has made some howlers of late.

The C&CC article is clearly the latest.
Still not using the letterbox Clive ?
Mar 14, 2005
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You have no need to appologise!

Kanga's rants are best ignorred and I recognise it is a flaw in my character that I enjoy winding him up.

The point I am making on another post is that by natural selection in normal life you end up seeing/talking to people you respect and value.

When a numpty like Kanga keeps trying to score points its easy and fun to play with him.
Mar 14, 2005
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LB - Sorry to widdle in your cornflakes again but David Bellamy does often enter into correspondence - see as just one example.

Fabulous taking to task by a skilled jounalist (whose views I do not agree with but do respect) of Bellamy who has made some howlers of late.

The C&CC article is clearly the latest.
No I got caught out by a sharp spring a while ago.


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