617 squadron dambusters base to close

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Oct 8, 2006
That lancaster is now called "Just Jane" and is based at East Kirkby . She is 3 or 4 years away from flying again
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJ2IeEIcKa8&pp=ygUSc2hlIHdpbGwgZmx5IGFnYWlu

For the record my uncle - who died in 2010 aged 87 - was the rear gunner in one of the same group of Lancasters as 'Jane'. After his death his wife donated his cold-weather flying suit (fully sheepskin lined) to East Kirby Museum but I know not whether it was used for display. The day we delivered it was, IMSMC, the first time they ran up the engines on 'Jane.'
Nov 6, 2005
...if you are ever near Stockport and interested in the Avro company then a visit to this new museum is a must.

And well worth the extra £2 for each cockpit tour - I went recently and had a one-to-one tour of the Lancaster and Vulcan cockpits.

It's within the new housing being built on the old Woodford aerodrome site where the Lancasters nd Vulcans were built - several new roads in the area so built-in car sat navs may not cope but Google Maps and Waze on smartphone have it.


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