Dec 16, 2003
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That fine Newspaper the SUN has this great comp today.

Check it out online or even "better" buy the paper ;-)

Can we handle another one on here ;-) ???????????

"HERE'S another peerless Sun contest . . . today we're offering two readers the chance to be transformed into a Lord and Lady.

Our upper-crust prize is ideal for those who can't afford huge loans to political parties to get their honours.

It won't cost our winners a penny to join the gentry, as The Sun has obtained a Lordship and Ladyship of the Manor - dating back to the Middle Ages - which will be granted to our lucky pair.

The winners can then lord it over their friends and neighbours as they gain the immediate privilege of using the "styled title and legend" of their manor.

They will also receive an official solicitor's "deed of title" and "title deed of assignment" - confirming their official claim to the honourable title.

The unique documents will be supplied in a posh leather-bound 12th century-style presentation case.

The winners will be able to use their new titles on all official documents, including passport, credit card, driving licence and bank account.

Our blue-blooded title is even inheritable, so you can pass the Lordship on to your kids once you head up to that great stately home in the sky.

There are two ways to enter:

1. Click on the form below to enlarge it, print it out (right click and choose print picture), fill in the details and send it to I Want To Be A Lord, The Sun, 1 Virginia St, London E98 1SN.

2. E-mail lordship@the-sun.co.uk telling us in no more than 20 words why you'd be the perfect Lord or Lady to represent The Sun. Also include your name, address, postcode, age, daytime phone number, a picture of yourself and robe size (optional)."
Dec 16, 2003
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NO MONEY NEEDED OFFER from the Sun and you advise not to waste money and send you some.

I guess it's down to breeding and that fancy education ;-)
May 20, 2005
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well I put it through Babel Fish and I still don't understand it

My lollipop of friend that I not realize that you spoke French. To be honest I worry about my lord B W a man who carries sticking and a crown. I ask you that any manner is it so that continuous adult. I hear for saying that it threw in its caravan.
Dec 16, 2003
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Babel fish can not do a straight translation due to the differences between the languages !

Roughly it said

My Friend Lolly. I didn't realise you spoke French. To be honest I worry about my Lord BW a man who wears tights and a crown. I ask you, is that any way for an adult to carry on. I hear say that he has a throne in his Caravan ;-)
Dec 16, 2003
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I know Lord B I know !

But if you tried philosophising on your throne instead of "regularly doing my philos o phing" you could probably save a fortune on the Viagra ;-)
Mar 14, 2005
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Hey you lot out there leave my friend Lord B. alone - what has he done to deserve all this flack? Are you jealous of the man and his station in life? Some people are born to succeeed and Lord B is one such man. If you want to pick on someone find someone of your own lower class. Without the likes of Lord B. and his colleagues in the Upper House, God only knows what state the country would be in with smiling Tony and his cronies.
Dec 16, 2003
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Has the old tart gone now?

I heard that the milk and chamber maids are looking for a bit of rough, "real men" so any single guys out there get round to Screwem Hall whilst his Lordship does his version of the "Grand Tour"

I've ordered safe passage and good weather for him in Cornwall so with luck he will OK.

And as for "Peasants" Colin, you speak for yourself, I have "blue blood" and good family connections and no doubt others here do. Sadly though we never got the land, money and title ;-) :) ;-) :)
Mar 14, 2005
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Cris you will also have to speak to Lord B. as I think he is now in charge of the cash side of things, I could be wrong mind but I am sure he has taken this role over.
Mar 14, 2005
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Cris I think the manner in which you have interpretated my response is not as I intended - there was no inference in my answer regarding "cash for questions". Mind you I am inclined to agree with you that now the PARTY is strapped for cash they may need to seek desperate measures. Could a political party go bankrupt? Apart from the tax payer bailing them out I suppose they could.
Dec 16, 2003
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No No Colin.

I mean old Lordyship B.

You know what their like, he'lll come back from pricey Cornwall and want to make a few bob from answering my question!

Now old Bungle with the loans fiasco etc will be on the back foot and I should get a free answer ;-)


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