A message for the Anti's

Mar 14, 2005
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This posted in responce to a supposed message from Stinky - Whatever!!

Firstly - I doubt this is Stinky - more likely to be Kanga desperately trying to "shore up" his now rather isolated position

I have made no personal attack on "Stinky" - I simply stated as I do here that the action I took in response to the outrageous accusation was a legal action that had the desired effect.

We have a legal team - retained to act for us. We also refer our clients to other legal firms where appropriate - Where advice on Partnership Planning and Partnership Agreements are required I refer my clients to two experts in this field who are female.

Kanga - or whoever you are -you really should try to read and comprehend the text of what you read.

Libel never came into it - I was accused of being a Paedophile.

Considering all that I have done so far in my life, and where I have travelled to, I find it staggering that I have to become a caravanner and use a caravanning Forum to experience such an extreme abuse!

And my crime? - a silly joke about Aussies and Kiwis (told to me by an Aussie!) - Oh and lets not forget I ran rings round the Anti 4x4 idiots on this Forum and so with all the intellectual splendour of a slug they resorted to accusing me of being a Paedophile!

What they did not know was that any such accusation is taken VERY SERIOUSLY by those who monitor such things. What Stinky did was almost the equivalent of saying he had a bomb on him whilst waiting to board an aircraft.

He is now reaping those consequences - whatever they may be.

I do run my own business - as to being well read - that is for others to judge. I have emailed both the editor of PC and the Moderator via our standard Firms email facility therefore all details are on record with the providers of this Forum.

The last sentence shows the desperation of the Anti's :-

"Hi Kanga and Dav. Hang in there dudes, you're doing an outstanding job. If you can stop just one person buying those killing machines..."

Whoever wrote the above is not interested in sensible debate they are on a single issue mission!

As they are forced to see the fragility of their case - they resort to ever more bizarre and extreme actions. Calling me a Paedophile was, I believe, the worst so far.

However, to confirm the sort of people we are dealing with - this from Kanga:-


7 Sep 2005 10:11 PM No nerve to hit mate, by the time you get to the traffic lights in your slow, shite handling, lumbering truck, i will be in the pub having a pint, having arrived serenely in pure comfort and luxury. So no need to wind my window up, it is you who will be staring at my exhaust pipes disappearing in the distance! How I love to drive the worlds best handling saloon car and snigger at the old c**ts plodding along in their 4x4's.

Nice isn't it - you come onto a caravanning forum and just because you drive a 4x4 you get called a C**T.

Says it all.
Mar 14, 2005
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You rise to the bait everytime. Why doesn't everyone just egnore them then they wouldn't have any ammunition. You will end up alienating yourself again simple by conversing with them. I for one am thoroughly fed up with this war going on. I joined this forum for some witty chat and info on caravanning please can't we stick to that without all this stupidity.
Mar 14, 2005
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Sorry Caroline do not agree with you. How can you possibly sit back and do nothing when contributors are called Tossers, C**ts, etc. and in my case something much worse.

If you want to be part of the silent majority then I will respect your view.

But please do not suggest that it will all be so much better if we all just ignorred them.

I have never agreed with appeasment.
Jul 30, 2005
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Clive my mate,

I can quite honestly say I did not post the stinky posting, I don't know if someone is trying to wind you up some more (how tight can a spring go?) but if it is stinky WELCOME BACK AND POST SOME MORE!


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