A message from Stinky Pete

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Mar 14, 2005
Lol & Clive

You've both upset me, I've had a bad day today and now you both think I'm a bit strange.

It's me, good old Lisa. What's wrong with having a horse and owning a goat in the past? Clive does a section A with Coed lines mean anything to you? Also an irish x tb. Doesn't that prove who I am, ask your wife what the above means, then you'll ascertain my identity.

Mar 14, 2005
Lisa, please be assured that neither Clive nor myself want to upset you. Nor do we think you are strange (bites knuckles and remembers to be a good boy) as most of your posting are straight down the line and consistent with being normal. You have however supplied Clive with a way to identify yourself, leaving poor old me in the dark. It's ok, the tears will dry eventually and my psychiatrist says the emotional wounds will heal long before my poor old knuckles will. As a young child I was always ignored, by the barman.so I am indeed no stranger to this unique form of torture. Will you at least let me know how I can tell it is really you in the future, so that this weary old dog can rest his head upon the pillow tonight? It's late, the night is spent and the Brandy gone I hope you never have to feel the remorse that I do now

PS do ya thing I would make a good greetings card writer?


Mar 14, 2005
Hi Lol

Thanks for your posting. In hindsight, I re-read the goat posting and I suppose it might read a bit strange. I'm just a country gal but I've had a dam bad week so I'm not a happy bunny at the mo.

Anyway, I've picked myself up and dusted myself down. As you don't seem to be into horses, I can't think of a way to identify myself to you but be assured, if I thought that someone was trying to impersonate me, god help them, they might even live to regret it.

I'm off to the land of nod now, having had rather too much wine. I've chastised K for his bad spelling, so I'll apologise in advance for any typing errors!! Anyway, if Clive's wife has a horse, he'll know exactly what I was talking about in my previous posting and to be honest, I'm still a bit miffed with him.


Jan 19, 2008
Hi Lol

Thanks for your posting. In hindsight, I re-read the goat posting and I suppose it might read a bit strange. I'm just a country gal but I've had a dam bad week so I'm not a happy bunny at the mo.

Anyway, I've picked myself up and dusted myself down. As you don't seem to be into horses, I can't think of a way to identify myself to you but be assured, if I thought that someone was trying to impersonate me, god help them, they might even live to regret it.

I'm off to the land of nod now, having had rather too much wine. I've chastised K for his bad spelling, so I'll apologise in advance for any typing errors!! Anyway, if Clive's wife has a horse, he'll know exactly what I was talking about in my previous posting and to be honest, I'm still a bit miffed with him.


Lisa, make Clive go to the Forum Confessional, bow in penitence to you, gargle in Holy Maids Water and say 10 "Hail Kanga's".
Mar 14, 2005
Hi Lisa

Horse types of course - but what on earth have I done to upset you?

I have not posted anything re goats or any other animal.

Could you please let me know what it is that was posted, when and where.

At this point I can only think that some further silliness is going on.

Clive (of CliveV)


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