I’m thinking of investing in a Cobb BBQ this year and was wondering if anyone here has got any experience / views on them.
I know a lot of people use a CADAC but I fancy the Cobb because its portable so it can be used on picnics, on the beach etc, a also prefer the taste of food cooked on a charcoal BBQ, from reading up on them you can also use them to smoke food, and if you use their fuel bricks they are ready for use in 4 or 5 minuets.
I know a lot of people use a CADAC but I fancy the Cobb because its portable so it can be used on picnics, on the beach etc, a also prefer the taste of food cooked on a charcoal BBQ, from reading up on them you can also use them to smoke food, and if you use their fuel bricks they are ready for use in 4 or 5 minuets.