Prof John L said:
Hello cookieones,
please stand back and consider carefully what you have written.
I stand by the pure scientific fact that I have stated; no closing speed, no collison. I did not state that speed is the cause of the collision. In your example the speed of the approaching car is a factor. If the car was not approaching there could not be a collision. ipso facto speed is a factor in every collison.
Thus my statement is 100% accurate.
As for knowing my driving speed, in essence I do, probably more accuratly than most motorists, beacause I tend to use cruise control. As with most peices of equipment you quickly get to know its working charateristics and before long it becomes second nature , like using the gears clutch indicators etc. Critically once set it holds the speed within +/- 1Mph except on steep inclines - but see later about descending hills
It not just in the Midlands where motorways are speed regulated - I think you will find that all UK motorways are speed regulated, 70mph comes to mind, unless a lower limit is in force!, and as I do live "up here in the midlands" and I do use cruise control on motor ways and in other areas then sorry your contention that "it does not happen" is disproved by every single motorist that does use CC - even in the Midlands!
The actions required to check your speed are no different with or without cruise control, you still need to glance at the sign and then at your Speedo and adjust your speed accordingly. Its a push of a button to change or lock in the new speed. The advantage is that you know that your not creeping up beyond the set speed unlike the driver without CC who could be following the pack and find them selves straying above the limit.
I cannot conceive why you should think I am trying to drive 3 cars at the same time, and I assure readers that I don't. I am aware of the cars around, and will dive so as not to endanger any of them. but I will not speed even if every one else is trying to do so if they want to endanger their licences that is their choice. On a motorway they have greater opportunity to overtake if they consider it safe to do so.
Today on a 45mile journey in and out of Birmingham and back I have passed no less than 28 speed cameras, and of note 5 of those are located on downward slopes where in top gear a car will accelerate due to gravity. By slelecting a lower gear the cars speed is checekd by engine braking but the Cruise control keeps it at the no less than the set speed. I know because I was caught by one several years ago, and I wasn't using CC!
The only bit of your last posting that actually makes full and proper sence that I can support is "there is no substitute for good driving habits, and that includes the regular checking of mirrors and the instruments laid out in front of you on the dashboard, including the speedometer" none of which is contrary to my own posting.
No John, I think it is you that needs to stand back and consider what you have written, do you not think you are over stating the obvious! and for some one who calls themselves a Professor, it was implied that speed could have been a contributing factor.
Well you see "M laud if his speed had have been 0 when I pulled out in front of him he would not have hit me!
Today on a 45mile journey in and out of Birmingham and back I have passed no less than 28 speed cameras, and of note 5 of those are located on downward slopes where in top gear a car will accelerate due to gravity. By selecting a lower gear the cars speed is checked by engine braking but the Cruise control keeps it at the no less than the set speed. I know because I was caught by one several years ago, and I wasn't using CC!
Poor driving technique, so you are going to select a lower gear whilst cruising on a motorway at 70MPH??????? Don't forget John the OP was about a caravan that had overturned on a Motorway.
As for knowing my driving speed, in essence I do, probably more accurately than most motorists
Never consider your driving to be better than any one else's, there is no room for, I know better than him behind a steering wheel.
I cannot conceive why you should think I am trying to drive 3 cars at the same time
A good driver will be anticipating the actions of other drivers around him, more so on a Motorway where the most threatening ones are directly in front and directly behind, so in essence you are driving your car, the one behind by anticipating his actions, and the same for the one who is directly in front of you, or more commonly known as "defencive driving"
It not just in the Midlands where motorways are speed regulated - I think you will find that all UK motorways are speed regulated, 70mph comes to mind, unless a lower limit is in force!, and as I do live "up here in the midlands" and I do use cruise control on motor ways and in other areas then sorry your contention that "it does not happen" is disproved by every single motorist that does use CC - even in the Midlands!
John I live close to the M1 who have just introduced a speed regulated part of that motorway to cope with traffic conditions, so it could be 50/60/70 or even 40 MPH depending on the volume of traffic, or between east midlands airport and J28 stop and start traffic, still want to use your cruise control?
Cruise control has it`s place, but certainly not on a congested Motorway.