ACSI Camping Card 2010

Apr 1, 2010
Have had an email from ACSI this morning stateing they are putting the new 2010 list of Camping Card Sites "online" next week.
Oct 22, 2009
Dianne,does that mean we will be getting the new card I ordered a few weeks ago? It will be our first time away using this system as we have always paid a premium for sites. It was finding out about camping card and camping cheques on here that was so useful.Because of the savings we can have some extra days!!!HURRAH!!!

Thursdays Child
Apr 1, 2010
I understand they hope to get it in around 8th December then they will start sending them out.

You will not regret getting it. We had one the first year it came out 2004 and there were only about 200 sites all over Europe. Over the 6 years we have been going to Europe in the Spring we have saved literally hundreds of pounds stopping at 4 and 5 star sites too and never a bad one. We only stop at them now as the coverage is so good. We have been visited 10 countries over the years. But now stick to Germany and Austria our favourites where we are off to on the Tunnel on 7th April till the 8th of June. Any help you want just let me know. When and where are you going?
Mar 31, 2009
In the last 4 years of going to France (always out of high season)we have used Camping cheques and Castel card but are now thinking of obtaining an ACSI card for 2010. Our problem is next year we will in Europe 20 August until 17 September, so believe we may have difficulty using the card at the beginning of the holiday, what is usually the first dates in August that we can start and use the card.
Apr 1, 2010
Tobago, I have just looked in my 2009 book and a lot of sites started taking the Card 23/24/25th August and others not till the 1st September. So if you look in the 2010 book, when it comes out, I am sure you will find sites that are open around 23rd August which would be a help to you.
May 21, 2007

We have used camping cheques for a number of years. Never gave a thought to acsi. We are going to France last 2 weeks in June next year and the cost of the camping cheques will be
Oct 8, 2009
Hi Pat, I have been using the ACSI card for a number of years. Next years prices will be the same as this year ie 11, 13 or 15 Euros per night depending on the site. The main benefit of the ACSI over camping cheque is that you don't have to pay the site fee until the end of your visit, also some sites have offers such as stay of 7 nights and only pay for 6 etc. I also think there are more sites in the ACSI scheme than the camping cheque scheme. Overall I don't think the is much difference in the cost, but ACSI is more convenient and the is no risk of buying cheques you do not use.
Mar 31, 2009
Thanks Dianne - Will certainly get an ACSI card. We have actually booked our first 2 nights at Guines so by the time we start moving we should find that some sites will be taking the card. The plan is to stay a while in the Loire where we have friends living and then travel down to St Emillion area but we are very flexible and may change our minds before next August !!!
Apr 1, 2010
Tabago, To confirm that ACSI for 2010 has 1,891 sites taking the Camping Card against 500/600 taking Camping Cheques so a lot more choice.

Good news if go to website ACSI have now put all the 2010 sites "on line" today.
May 12, 2011
We have been using a combination of ACSI card and C&CC vouchers for the last few years and found no problems. This year the C&CC seem to have given up on their Freedom camping vouchers and are now offering the ACSI card instead. Saves me buying both books, but I'm disappointed that a couple of nice sites that were in the C&CC book are not in ACSI.

Tip for newcomers, when booking in pronounce it ACSHI, like the Dutch.


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