Adria sold to Trigano

Aug 23, 2009
Hopefully that will secure the future of Adria and both the new parent company and Adria will continue to flourish.
Mar 14, 2005
I have known and used a number of Triango products over the years and in general I have been satisfied with them. The acquisition of Adria without needing to take on additional finance I think is a very smart move. Adria's products compliment Triango's, and as such there should be virtually no conflict between the brands.

I have been very impressed with Adria products having first seen one in detail in the 1980's. I wish them well, and I hope they continue to to give UK manufacturers a run for their money.
Apr 20, 2009
So will Trigano do the same too Adria as Adria did to Fleetwood and discard the brand name?
If so my van started as a Fleetwood then went to an Adria and then to an Trigano and it's not even 7 years old yet :lol:
Jun 2, 2015
I wonder if this has anything to do with the difficulty I have been having getting a replacement panel for my Adria?
Nov 11, 2009
Back in 2005 I was seriously looking at an Adria Altea and one popped up in Highbridge so we went down to view it. The build quality was excellent but we couldn't live with a fixed bed at the front. Why do the continentals favour this layout it really affects one's "people watching" time. Going to the other extreme we bought Trigano Silver pop top and must say the build quality of this caravan is excellent, and the used values of the Silvers, and their predecessors (Rubis) whilst not as high as Eriba is still very good, compared to conventional caravans. Trigano group are Europe's largest leisure vehicle group and make Caravelair, Sterckman and many other ranges from trailer tents to motorhomes. We have viewed one of the new Caravelair Antares 455s which was competitively priced (ex demo) and was an option for us to change to. What was good is the 300kg (app) payload in a 1300kg MTPLM caravan, excellent for those with lighter tow cars, although the 5 year damp warranty was less than for UK vans.
May 7, 2012
Provided that it is a case of keeping the business going as before then apart from the increased buying power the group will have then it should make little difference to consumers. If they fail to heed the if it aint broke don't fix it idea they may have a problem.
If you dd the already powerful buying potential of Trigano to Adria's then the parts manufacturers must be worried about what the new group will expect.
For anyone wanting the Caravalair though I would look at this months magazine as the one they collected seemed to have lots of bits dropping off. The magazine made light of it but if it were mine I would be unhappy.
May 7, 2012
This could be bad news for the British builders as presumably Trigano will want to push their own brands but it might give Adria a better availability. Not sure the likes of Swift and Bailey will want to give Marquis details of what is coming when Marquis are part of a group building their own caravans. It might start a trend for the others to start buying dealers and the future looks interesting.


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