Adult only sites

Mar 14, 2005
Working at a school full time, it would be nice to find some camp sites in the South of England that do not allow children. Bliss....any ideas please.
Mar 14, 2005
Not so much in the South but East Anglia - Two Mills in North Walsham, Norfolk.

Also Wayfarers at St Hilary nr Penzance and Marazion, Cornwall.
Mar 14, 2005
If you are over 30 but especially over 50 Chacewater Park, nr Truro in Cornwall has to be the best value for money, I have stayed there many times over the years and have yet to find another adult only park that has the same friendly atmosphere, amongst the campers.
Mar 14, 2005
John, Same job, same problem - but don't you really miss the little dears after a few days?

Your answer will be the same as mine, an emphatic NO.
Mar 14, 2005
Look in yellow pages under 'nursing homes' or 'cemeteries'. I always find it amazing in the uk how some consider that children should be not seen and not heard. Yet in europe children are considered a important part of society and - from my observations - welcomed. It may be thought corny but they are the next generation of caravanners. True some behaviour may be a bit raucous, but they are growing up and learning what is and what is not acceptable. However it is the responsibility of parents to ensure that their children are behaved and follow the site rules. Weren't we all young once!!!
Mar 14, 2005
Look in yellow pages under 'nursing homes' or 'cemeteries'. I always find it amazing in the uk how some consider that children should be not seen and not heard. Yet in europe children are considered a important part of society and - from my observations - welcomed. It may be thought corny but they are the next generation of caravanners. True some behaviour may be a bit raucous, but they are growing up and learning what is and what is not acceptable. However it is the responsibility of parents to ensure that their children are behaved and follow the site rules. Weren't we all young once!!!
looked there Brian and cannot see anything suitable yet. I would encourage however a compilation or list of sites that only take children and dogs, so that I can avoid them.
Mar 14, 2005
hi the theoldoaks nr glastonbury is a first class site for adults

the faclities are great lovley and clean and the pitches are very good as a small shop on site a fishing pool very good and as great views
Mar 14, 2005
hi the theoldoaks nr glastonbury is a first class site for adults

the faclities are great lovley and clean and the pitches are very good as a small shop on site a fishing pool very good and as great views
Looks like that you have been given the cold shoulder Brain what we want is more adult sites
Mar 14, 2005
I agree with Brian, why is it that you can choose to go on a site WITHOUT CHILDREN, or WITHOUT DOGS, but you can't choose a site WITHOUT people who don't like either. I don't have a dog, but I do have children and I would dearly love to go on a site without grumpy people who tut at every little thing children do. My children are reasonably well-behaved, not perfect, but do know not to run around others peoples vans, shout loudly and annoy other vanners. They've both been vanning since very small and are now responsible 10 and 12 year olds. Everyone was a child once and should remember that, and anyway, a lot of adult (especially older ones, get together in groups late at night and make loads of noise whilst drinking, barbequeing and coming home from the pub. My children and most dogs don't do that! I might add that after working in a school you might not want to be with children during your holidays, but you do choose where you work. If you don't like them - don't work there.
Mar 14, 2005
Janet, I assume your comment was in response to Johns original post. I cannot see anything in it which would suggest he doesn't like children, you are just putting your own slant on what he said. For all you or I know he may have children and grand children of his own and love children very much - he just in this instance dosn't want to camp with them.

What I cannot understand about your point of view is if there are people who, rightly or wrongly, find children annoying, why would you want them to pitch near you when they are quite happy to go to adult only sites and leave you and your family in peace.
Mar 14, 2005
looked there Brian and cannot see anything suitable yet. I would encourage however a compilation or list of sites that only take children and dogs, so that I can avoid them.
A comment from my sister who is having problems logging into the new site :- When we were in France on a site, the French and Dutch children were no problem. The English however were loud, using very bad language very late, 12o clock at night, making a bloody nusiance of themselves, old enough to know better. Other campers had to tell them to go away. This wasn't one or two it was quite a lot. My husband and I were ashamed of them just because they were English. Its all very well saying their parents should be in control. Their parents probably thought they are on holiday having a lovely time.

My Comments :- I look at the subject of these threads and if the topic doesn't interest me I don't read them. This one, had it not been for my sister, I would have not looked at. I don't see the need to enter sarcastic comments about other peoples wants or needs. Everyone to their own thats what I say, live and let live. If someone wants an adult only site, fine. Although personally I can relate to this, if I was in school around kids all the time I think I might like to find a quiet adult only site to spend my hard earned break in peace and quiet. The moral of this reply is..if you can't help the person who posted it don't reply with anything at all least of all with comments like this.

I hope these people find what they are looking for and have a nice time when they do. I'm sorry I can't help with the type of site you are looking for but I'm sure, in fact I know you are not alone.

Mike G
Mar 14, 2005
This will be my second attemp in getting this reply in. I might have entered it in the wrong place.

Comments from my sister who is having trouble logging into the site since it was changed :- When we were in France on a site and the French and Dutch children were no problem, but the English were loud, using very bad language very late 12-o-clock at night making a bloody nusiance of themselves, old enough to know better. Other campers had to tell them to go away. This wasn't one or two it was quite a lot. My husband and I were ashamed of them just because they were English. its all very well saying their parents should be in control, their parents probably thought they are on holiday having a lovely time. The same as the guy that sent the reply to the request of an adult site.

My comments :- I read these threads because of the title or subject of them. If that doesn't interest me I don't read or reply. These are genuine people asking for something they would like and not for sarcastic comments such as the first reply in the group. I can relate to the fact that if you spend all your time around our little angels, (90% have horns of varying lengths, I hope my childres are in the shorter category) you want to spend your hard earned break away from them. I'm sorry I can't help with the type of site you'd like but I see there are a few that have. Have a nice rest and enjoy your break.

Mike G
Mar 14, 2005
When our children were young, we made a conscious decision that, when they were older, we would not patronise any establishment, be it shop, restaurant or campsite, where our children would not have been welcome. This we have stuck to, so you would not find us on any adult-only site. In any case, half the fun on campsites is watching the antics of the children and eavesdropping on their conversations.

But if those who do not share our view chose to take them selves off and isolate themselves in their own little world, I can only think it is to mutual advantage. That way,everyone gets what they want - a child-free environment for those who want that, and freedom for families and those who enjoy having children around to enjoy themselves without disapproving stares

and comments.
Mar 14, 2005
Ray, you're right, my post was a little heavy handed regarding his apparent dislike for children, and I do apologise, BUT, the point I was trying to make was that as you rightly say, why would I want someone who finds children annoying to pitch near me, well I wouldn't but this is where the choice ends. I was trying to say that people who don't like children don't always go on adults only sites, they DO go on sites with children/dogs (as they are perfectly entitled to) and some DO complain and tut at everything children/dogs do. It seems that people without children have the choice of any site whatsoever, but if you have children etc, you are more and more limited to certain sites. Even CL/CS's are getting more picky about the type of people who visit their sites. I just think a site which only lets families with children on would be good, just for a change so that those type of vanners are not totally discriminated against like is so often happening now. Everyone to their own choice.
Mar 14, 2005
Why does this subject Adults Only Sites cause all these comments. A simple question was asked, and I am pleased to see he did get some sensible answers. The majority who use these sites have usually been there and done that with regards to their kids. They don't hate kids. I work in a school and I love my job, but use Adult Only Sites when I can. So come on live and let live and just answer the question instead of making out we are all hate kids
Mar 16, 2005
The May edition of PCV has a special feature on Adult Only parks, and a list of all the ones in the UK. There's also a group called Tranquil Touring Parks
Mar 14, 2005
I agree with Brian, why is it that you can choose to go on a site WITHOUT CHILDREN, or WITHOUT DOGS, but you can't choose a site WITHOUT people who don't like either. I don't have a dog, but I do have children and I would dearly love to go on a site without grumpy people who tut at every little thing children do. My children are reasonably well-behaved, not perfect, but do know not to run around others peoples vans, shout loudly and annoy other vanners. They've both been vanning since very small and are now responsible 10 and 12 year olds. Everyone was a child once and should remember that, and anyway, a lot of adult (especially older ones, get together in groups late at night and make loads of noise whilst drinking, barbequeing and coming home from the pub. My children and most dogs don't do that! I might add that after working in a school you might not want to be with children during your holidays, but you do choose where you work. If you don't like them - don't work there.
Why are you parents SO sensitive and stroppy about this issue? Why is it that it's never your kids that annoy and irritate other people, and yet over this weekend there are going to be literally thousands of people aggravated by thousands of other peoples' kids.

Not only do I remember that I was a child once, I also remember that I was a parent of a young child too who has now grown up and all but flown the nest and I don't need reminding of these things thank you.

Before you go slating these sites and the people that use them at least try one out. You will be pleasantly surprised.

Speak as you find rather as you think you will find........

Have a nice Easter.

Mar 14, 2005


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