Advice on fitting porch awning

Apr 20, 2009
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Been looking for a decent porch awning and have finally got the chance of the Dorema Toronto.

My problem is having measured the van one of the rear legs with the padding on will be in line with one of the windows, I have a window both sides of the door and no matter which way I would place it, it would foul one of them.

Do the padded legs have to go against the van body ? If this is the case I'll have to find a bigger/smalller one.

Thanks for any help/advice you can give.
Apr 7, 2008
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We had the same dilemma, saw various one of all sizes, but i did not fancy having it coming down across the windows, in the end we bought a

Apr 20, 2009
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Thanks Sproket, have given up on the Toronto. Also thanks for the link had a look and guess what, its too wide, oh well never mind I'll just keep on looking.

(Just measured the van and I need to be between 2.7m and 2.9m)

Mar 14, 2005
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Thanks Sproket, have given up on the Toronto. Also thanks for the link had a look and guess what, its too wide, oh well never mind I'll just keep on looking.

(Just measured the van and I need to be between 2.7m and 2.9m)


think youll find that if one porch covers the window they all will.porch awnings come in similar sizes,we have the same problem,but have to put up with it.its no great problem believe me,its not the porch thats the problem.....but the build of the vanunfortunately.
Dec 30, 2009
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Our 3/4 awning covers one of the windows, we bought it for the last van. it doesnt bother us we put a tea towel against the window between it and the pad and it hasnt scratched the window

Im not buying another just because of it. We got the 3/4 so we wouldnt have to change the awning every time we changed the van.

Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Kev

We had the same problem, we have a Quest Kensington, very pleased with it, if you google it you should be able to get the dimensions.
Apr 20, 2009
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Hi woodsieboy

Just had a quick peep and unfortunately it,s too wide at 3.3m but many thanks any way.

I have been out to the van tonight and remeasured yet again and I have just realised the smaller window to the right of the door is actually lower than the kitchen window, now your probably thinking where's he going now!

Well, when I first read the measurement of the dorema I only noticed the roof measurement and did'nt take into account that it actually tapers out and is 30cm wider at the bottom, so as the right hand window is lower and including the taper I am certain

it will fit without touching the window.

Gave the chap a ring again and he's giving me first refusal on Fri evening, fingers crossed.


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