Air awning poles?

Aug 24, 2015
We own an Outwell Venice Coast its a fairly big awning approx 2yr old now.
Today we had to visit the caravan dealers were we purchased it and the latest model was on view.
There has been one major improvement made and it concerns the 2 poles that are SUPPOSE to hold them close to the sides of it but DOESNT
Hubby had two 12inch x 12inch slabs and drilled holes in for the poles to sit in and while they are a bonus and keep them closer to the cvan it still really keeps the bottom in but not so the top.
I'm wondering does anyone else notice this or maybe doesnt bother them as much but our big dog sleeps in awning and when it's windy it can fair be a gale hitting him..i just love animals and don't like him getting cold as he's a big house dog at American bull dog called Brian a gorgeous gentle giant.
I hope someone of you buddies have had this quandary and hopefully solved it and can pass on your brill solution to me please. Thank you in advance.
Jun 26, 2017
I can’t comment on your particular awning Momo, and I’m afraid your post doesn’t read very well, particularly the third sentence during which I think you’re trying to make your key point.

If you mean that your awning came complete with a couple of steel poles, the intention of which is to further secure the vertical edges of the awning where they meet the sides of your caravan (foam pads or otherwise), I can honestly say that mine have never even been used, and I have had the awning up in rather blustery conditions without experiencing any such issues.

The key I find is to make sure there’s enough tension in the awning, and try to peg the end ground anchor points under the caravan as far as the tension will allow so as to help keep the awning sides in contact with the van wall. However, I appreciate that your awning design may differ significantly from mine.

What’s Brian doing in the awning anyway, he should be on the bed with you ! :p
Nov 16, 2015
Our Awing pads to the caravan work well no problem, we no longer use the poles, but we peg the pad bottoms back by 6 inches, under the caravan, which makes the pads fairly windproof.
And the dogs sleep,in the caravan . , and NOT on the beds or seats.


Mar 17, 2007
Does the awning have pads that you put between the rear poles and the van? They usually help to make a good seal. Also does it go over a protuberance like a window, awning light, or locker?
However, you won't get as good a seal with a "porch" awning however big, as you would with a full awning.
Aug 24, 2015
Yes Mel
It does have pads they are supposedly to stay behind the poles between the caravan and pole needless to say the move but that's not even the problem with the poles its that they won't stay close to the cvan and am forever fixing at them i see by the latest model though in distributors that they have done away fully with the poles now must have had complaints i imagine.
That doesn't help us that have them as my daughter has same awning also.
I understand the full awnings are secure against caravan but while I admire them theres no way hubby and me would dream of tackling one unless being seasonal somewhere then I would.
I'm gonna try Icaru5 idea a try next trip leave them out and peg the pad tether down taught well under the cvan. That sounds good.
Won't know till I try.
Aug 24, 2015
I've saw dogs put in their crate OUTSIDE covered with a carpet piece. Others ive saw kept in car boot and one poor big guy who had cancer just laid outside all day could hardly move at all So heart breaking it was to watch him scramble to get up as he was right opposite us.. So our Brian gets it good. He does have his own furry bed mattress i made so that's bespoke :lol:
He also has a double layered waterproof coat the under layer is fleece..has his own soggy doggy towel for his swimming days which he adores.
So all in all hes a big spoilt fella..hubby doesn't even have that much. ;)


Mar 17, 2007
Hi Momo. Have you seen the Kampa Limpet things. I haven't tried them myself but they get some OK reviews. I am not clever enough to post a link, but a Google search will find them. They can be used on non Kampa awnings if you get the hole punch thing.
Also when our dog was younger we had a cover to go over her dog crate ( this was in the house, and was primarily to stop her seeing the neighbours cat which used to come around in the night, and press its face up against the patio door). However it was of really thick quality and would stop any draughty from bothering Brian.
Jun 26, 2017
Mel said:
Hi Momo. Have you seen the Kampa Limpet things. I haven't tried them myself but they get some OK reviews. I am not clever enough to post a link, but a Google search will find them. They can be used on non Kampa awnings if you get the hole punch thing.
Also when our dog was younger we had a cover to go over her dog crate ( this was in the house, and was primarily to stop her seeing the neighbours cat which used to come around in the night, and press its face up against the patio door). However it was of really thick quality and would stop any draughty from bothering Brian.

Come on now ladies, what’s with all this mean talk of crates and awnings for poor Brian to lay his weary head after a long day of climbing Blencathra or trundling along the Ingleton waterfall trail ? - We have Izzy on the front bed with us, or, if she fancies a bit of “me” time, then she takes herself off to one of the bunks :p ...

Nov 11, 2009
Icaru5 said:
Mel said:
Hi Momo. Have you seen the Kampa Limpet things. I haven't tried them myself but they get some OK reviews. I am not clever enough to post a link, but a Google search will find them. They can be used on non Kampa awnings if you get the hole punch thing.
Also when our dog was younger we had a cover to go over her dog crate ( this was in the house, and was primarily to stop her seeing the neighbours cat which used to come around in the night, and press its face up against the patio door). However it was of really thick quality and would stop any draughty from bothering Brian.

Come on now ladies, what’s with all this mean talk of crates and awnings for poor Brian to lay his weary head after a long day of climbing Blencathra or trundling along the Ingleton waterfall trail ? - We have Izzy on the front bed with us, or, if she fancies a bit of “me” time, then she takes herself off to one of the bunks :p ...


It must be something inherent in the name, as my Izzie believes that anything above ground level is her domain. When we are just my wife and me the dogs are on the front double with me, while my wife uses a rear single, dog-free generally until sometime after 0630 when they migrate aft and I make tea.
Aug 24, 2015
I will look up those Kampa Limpet things I've never heard of them heres hoping.
Our Brian doesn't sleep in his crate in awning he has a travel one in car boot its collapsible material one great for only travelling from A to B but not an all night sleep as it's just big enough for car boot and him he's an American bull dog all 38k of him. He's just getting healing from an eye ulcer thats how I know his exact weight.
He has a good coat db layer but he also comes into van every night last trip had him in 24/7 as couldn't put awning up ground wasnt good was too cold yet anyway to put him there especially with his poorly eye.
We do have another dog a small one she stays in van shes a right lazy lump cross between Pomeranian/Chi hau hau its the last half that's the boss believe me she has a right attitude. Bosses big Brian and he's such a softie lets her but i step in then.
Thanks Mel im gonna look now for those 'things' failing that I'm gonna try..correction hubby is..doing without putting them up and just pegging the bottom tab down taught.
I'll be back let you know.
Aug 24, 2015
Here we go again....
Icaru5 you would understand just how our Brian is well spoilt..we rescued him from a dog pound over 5 years ago I just fell in love with the big guy at first sight see love at first sight does happen ;)
My hubby on other hand forbid me to have him as we already had 2 dogs..a Pom and half a Pom :woohoo: Chi hau hau..other half :( Dongal and Bella. Well i got one of my son's to take me to get him unbeknown to hubby of course something i don't do is defy him but I was adamant i was having that big guy.
He had been picked up by dog warden thats how he was in there but his owner was given chance to have him back at a cost of over £100 it was week before Christmas then and my assumption was he couldnt afford it as it was 2 months care and food the charge was for. He told them to let him go he still had another. So Taz became our Brian i chose his name as it's one of my hubbys twin brothers name so I thought well at least it may soften him when he's knows his name..he has a hang up about pet names he has to like them.
Well as you may guess he was fuming at me and wouldn't look at Brian for 2 days and Brian knew it as he wouldn't go near him.
But now today after those 2 initial days when he wanted nout to do with him he now adores him endlessly and Brian does him too im only the one who feeds and waters he's so lovely now why wouldn't he be your words Mr. Icar5 hahahaha.
If I knew how to post a pic i would of him..not the hubby Brian.
Aug 24, 2015
Fandabbydosey friend ordering 3 sets now between daughter and me I already have the tool with attachments to make the holes.
Brilliant idea just the ticket.
Thank you so very much Mel we've been wrecking our brains for ages about what to do cant wait to get my hands on it and set to work. Thanks again.
Jun 26, 2017
Momo said:
Here we go again....
Icaru5 you would understand just how our Brian is well spoilt..we rescued him from a dog pound over 5 years ago I just fell in love with the big guy at first sight see love at first sight does happen ;)
My hubby on other hand forbid me to have him as we already had 2 dogs..a Pom and half a Pom :woohoo: Chi hau hau..other half :( Dongal and Bella. Well i got one of my son's to take me to get him unbeknown to hubby of course something i don't do is defy him but I was adamant i was having that big guy.
He had been picked up by dog warden thats how he was in there but his owner was given chance to have him back at a cost of over £100 it was week before Christmas then and my assumption was he couldnt afford it as it was 2 months care and food the charge was for. He told them to let him go he still had another. So Taz became our Brian i chose his name as it's one of my hubbys twin brothers name so I thought well at least it may soften him when he's knows his name..he has a hang up about pet names he has to like them.
Well as you may guess he was fuming at me and wouldn't look at Brian for 2 days and Brian knew it as he wouldn't go near him.
But now today after those 2 initial days when he wanted nout to do with him he now adores him endlessly and Brian does him too im only the one who feeds and waters he's so lovely now why wouldn't he be your words Mr. Icar5 hahahaha.
If I knew how to post a pic i would of him..not the hubby Brian.

As I’m sure you already know, I am only having a little light-hearted banter Momo, and I’m sure Brian receives just as much love and TLC as Izzy does :p
Aug 24, 2015
Sure me knows it thats how i knew it was you and no name needed :lol:
I know I only too well and sure its a laugh and just what we all need. Keep em coming.
Aug 24, 2015
Waiting on my Limpets and tool to try it out on awning they are on their way.
Right another bit of a prob...the awning side openings..doors..Outwell lost it when it came to poles and door closer.
The zipped in ground sheet is brill but...when it gets to the door openings it goes skudywif.
They don't attach at bottom so when its windy and raining it blows in. Now in my attempt to alleviate this i have gorilla glued on velcro one side on the fly net cover other on outside part bottom flap of opening if i knew how to put a pic on here i would to make it easier understood. Maybe one coukd instruct me please.
Well anyone else solve this prob a diff way as even tho its gorilla glue parts do come away so am redoing it again. Thanks for input please.
Mar 8, 2017
I've been using the Kampa limpets for about a year to hold our awning edge against our van, and find them very good. There have been complaints from other users about them marking their caravan. This seems to be when they are placed on decals, which they can lift. I've only used them on the plain aluminium sides of two Lunar caravans without any problem. I have also managed to snap one through heavy-handed over tightening, so take care.
Aug 24, 2015
Can't wait to get them to try them on awning.
Do you have any ideas regards the side awning doors that I've ecplainded in last post at all?
Waiting to here if anyone else have did anything about them.
Aug 24, 2015
Will get the Limpets on Wed so I'll be able to give them a try out then.
I will let you know how it goes.
I sent an email to Outwell describing the problems..not that I'll get any help im sure as how to correct them.
But again I'll let you know.


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