Al-ko stabilliser

Mar 14, 2005
Having just placed an order for a new caravan from a local dealer fitted with a Al-Ko aks 2004 stabilliser I have read one or two articals regarding difficulty hitching up two a vehicle with a spare wheel fitted to the rear door, as I tow with a landrover freelander. we did ask the sales person at the time we placed the order that we towed with a freelander which he said would be ok.i wonder if any one has had this problem. or if i should take the matter up with Al-Ko.

Any info/advice would be appreciated.
Mar 14, 2005
Hi Mark.....

Though I do not personally have a Landrover, I am aware of others who have and their comments seem to suggest that the alko has been a problem.

This has not been in every instance, however, and it would appear that it is more of a prob with other imported 4x4s than the Landrover. In each case they have worked around the problem, by opening the back door prior to hitching up and that seems to have overcome any issues.

I have also read, recently, that Alko are aware of this and are in the process of bringing out some sort of modification, that can be easily fitted by those who encounter the spare wheel dilemma.

hope this is helpful. I am sure you will get a number of replies on this and there are also some comments on the site already. Regards Pete
Mar 14, 2005
Have a swift 530. Just need to tilt the stabiliser handle to the left. 16" wheels fitted,might not be so easy with larger spare wheel.
Mar 14, 2005
Mark, I tow with a Freelander and have the Al-ko fitted to my van. It is possible to hitch/unhitch but can be awkward at times with the spare wheel. I have fitted a one inch spacer on the towing bracket and this has cured all the problems. Cost less than a fiver for the spacer and new bolts, regards
Mar 14, 2005
Just remove the handle before you hitch. It's one small bolt that holds the handle onto the actual shaft of the pressure pads, on the side. Hitch the van, and then slot handle back on, apply pressure, sorted.

Its actually only the shape and thickness of the handle that causes the problem. But it's only a problem if you want it to be.
Mar 14, 2005
My friend removes the handle as Lenny does BUT the CC mag this month says that Alko has a modified handle on the way .So hold your breath !!
Mar 14, 2005
We had the same problem when we collected our new van and we were unable to hitch up by turning thr van on an angle so like Rich we had a spacer fitted by the van dealer (1.25" in our case)and although it is still fairly tight we are able to couple and uncouple with no problem.Our van dealer, Highbridge caravans fitted the extended ball and the spacer free of charge.
Mar 14, 2005
I have towed with a Freelander and a Winterhoff stabilser with absolutely no problem or adaptions for several years now. I considered various types before settling for the Winterhoff. What decided it was the handle on the Winterhoff was designed not to lift to the vertical position but instead stop approx 160mm away from the vertical, clear of the spare wheel, unlike other similar types of stabilisers of the time. When I was considering which to buy BPWl sent me a Tech Info leaflet BPWL2000120021 showing the clearance envelope of the Winterhoff described on the leaflet as the clearance required by EEC Directive 94/20/EC. You also may be able to get a copy it from BPWL if you are interested and it is still valid.


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