
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi All

I am trying to find out about a web site of a guy who makes alarms for caravans, the alarm seems to just hang on the door handle if the handle is moved this activates the alarm. I think his name is Colin Green but not sure, I have done a search but it comes back without him any help would be most welcome.

Mar 14, 2005
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What you are looking for is a simple motion detector which can be bought from B&Q, Be aware that strong winds can set these things off, which is very anoying to others if your are out allday.If you consider your van to be worth the money you paid for it then why not invest in a porpose made unit. Don't spoil the ship for threehapens of tar.

Jim M
Mar 14, 2005
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What you are looking for is a simple motion detector which can be bought from B&Q, Be aware that strong winds can set these things off, which is very anoying to others if your are out allday.If you consider your van to be worth the money you paid for it then why not invest in a porpose made unit. Don't spoil the ship for threehapens of tar.

Jim M
Hi Jim

No that's not the case, I have a built in alarm system but as you probably know these are no good when you are in the van but, the one I am asking after is very good. If you are ready to go to sleep then you set this alarm hang it on the door handle inside and if anyone tries to turn the handle off the alarms goes, I have seen them in action they are very good, someone I was parked next to used to put it on his Mercedes star on his bonnet because some kids in Spain were trying to steal it and the beauty is if you touch it off it goes. They are I believe about


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