Alde wet system

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Mar 14, 2005
Hello thingy.. I thought the problem had cleared up as I believed I had accidently reset it on Wednesday however it began to display the word serial on the control panel. I read up on it and it said connection fault between boiler and panel. To reset break the main current and then start again. So how do you break the main current, I disconnected the hook up, disconnected the battery turned off the master control panel I then reconnected battery, hook up and turned on the master control panel and now the panel as gone blank again, not what I expected
May 24, 2014

Not on this van, no with alde but the connection error may be just that. Is it the Alde Panel thats blank or main control panel. On my previous van, a Challenger Sport we had an issue in COrnwall where nothing would work, panel wasnt balnk but it kept saying connection error. It turned out to be the data cable itself from the main control panel to the boilder PCB. I had originally been told by the Dealer, by Swift and by Truma that the cable was a single run. FAter having a mobile engineer swap both panel and PCB, we were no better off. He decided to change the data cable and as soon as he took it out the box, it was obvious the cable was too short, hence a joint. The joint took all of 10 seconds to find, and the cable simply wasnt clipped in securely.

This may not be your problem, but it may just be worth a check.
Mar 14, 2005
Hello again. Its the master control panel that displays the alde heating system settings how to turn the heating on how to adjust the temperature etc that is now blank as it was on Friday last, It's looking like a visit to the dealer


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