Alko Blue Shock Absorbers for Bailety Ranger: anyone fitted t...

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Mar 3, 2008
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Though already convinced that my first hunch was right I did get in touch with Alan Sanders, Service Manager at Alko UK about the clarity of the leaflet. he has already passed it on.

He pointed out that in the UK virtually all manufacturers use a straight axle. Only those on the continent use one or other of the Delta axles which I now understand, not ever having seen one, are not straight! Perhaps that is what Watson(JohnG) meant about an Alko axle is an Alko axle!:)

The chassis profiles in the other lines of the Table2 are irrelevant.

So for the UK the only part of Table 2 that refers is the first type 'Straight axle: Mount to the inside (Fig 4a) (where inside means inside the mounting brackets i.e. on the chassis side).

Which is what we all know is right!! Certainly by mesurement I can confirm that the middle hole is correct for the Bailey Ranger Series 5. The torque settings are 88Nm.


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