Alko Wheel Lock and Levelling

Nov 26, 2008
We have just bought a new van with the dreaded Alko wheel lock - Coachman VIP 575/4. Fitting the lock hasn't been a problem so far but we have been on level hard standing. Our next trip is to a grass site where we know we will need to level the van.
Has anyone had any firsthand experience of the 'Lock and Level' caravan leveler ? It appears to answer our problem. By the way we don't have a motor mover.
Jun 20, 2005
I have a TA and get her level first using my wooden planks. Then I jack her up fit the locks and that's that. A lot cheaper than the leveller but I agree a bit of a nuisance I've got used to it now .
Also there is a tendency for the suspension to wind up as she's lowered locking the Al-ko s against the wheel.
Mar 17, 2015
Hi Pinto.

We have the Cartagena S3 Twin Axle caravan and use the Lock and Level device. We used it msot recently at the Grafham Water CC site in Cambridgeshire back in June. When we arrived at 7.50pm almost all the level pitches had been taken so we pitched on a bank of grass. The front of the van had to be high off the floor with the front steadies on wooden blocks and the rear was almost on the floor! Side to side was where the Lock and Level came in and it worked a treat. We have a motor mover but I guess you could just use your car or push the caravan onto the lock and level mat depending on the terrain and gradient. We purchased a Michelin air compressor with a digital display so we can accurately measure the pressure too. All in all a great product.
Jun 19, 2014
I saw the locknlevel system at the Caravan and Camping club NFOL last year. A brilliant idea for single and twin axle vans and a reasonable cost.
At the moment I use a Milenco Bulldog leveller. I am going to make a wooden jig so that as I am reversing my wife can check wether the Alco lock will fit.
Nov 26, 2008
Thank you for all the replies. My husband rang Lock'nLevel and the chap was very helpful and we have gone ahead and ordered one. We should have it by Wednesday so I will report here how we get on, but we are pretty confident it will work fine.
Feb 3, 2008
Watched the video and it looks a good device for a twin axle. I guess it could also be used on a level site to add the second wheel lock and then deflate the device.

Edit - I won't be buying one as I have a single axle van and already have a Milenco leveller.


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