an accident waiting to happen

Mar 29, 2005
Visit site
as a regular visitor to the pembrey cc site an accident is waiting to happen ... this site welcomes non members as well as members and over the last 3 years we have seen a deterioration with regards to the normal "for everyones benefit" cc rules.

on our last visit a few weeks ago, children as young as 3 were cycling hell for leather the wrong way round the one way system and maniacs not observing the dead slow warnings. One boy told me (I had to slam my brakes on and he kept comming - "sorry miss I couldn't stop cos I aint got brakes!!) last year when we were there a family with pushchair had to dive into the grass because a maniac driver was going too fast and in order to avoid an oncomming child nearly took the pedestrians out during the swerve. Have any other vanners encountered similar events, and do you thing the CC sites should be for members only?

time will shortly spell the answer I think


Ps - I think the wardens towards the end were living at their wits end and were glad to relocate, I wonder how the new ones will deal with the same problems
Jul 15, 2005
Visit site
We like the Pembrey CC site too, and on a site like that you've got to expect children playing - making it even more important that the drivers keep to a walking pace.

And whilst restricting membership would have benefits for members, I don't think it would reduce the speeding problem - speeding happens everywhere and some people just don't care.

Also I seem to remember that the operating licence for Pembrey requires the CC to allow non-members to use the site?



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