an opinion please.

Jun 29, 2004
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My wife has retired today. She worked for Social Services in the community for a county council that is based in Norfolk. She has worked for them for just over 25 years.

Today she set of on her round as usual, finished at lunch time and returned home, as usual.

Not one member of this county council that is based in Norfolk contacted her to thank her for the 25 years, no member of this organization sent her a retirement card or in any way wished her good luck in her retirement.

Now is it me? are my expections too great, or is it usual, for these organizations, to exersise such gross bad manners and ignorance in conducting themselves.


Norfolk Mike
Dec 16, 2003
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Mike you are expecting to much! For gods sake the is Blair's Britain :)

Efficiency of her employers would not allow them time for such

sentiment. She got paid man and has that HUGE pension ;-).

We all know you will be in "clover" for the rest of your days ;-)


I'll need a week off after that, it was such an effort, just think how I'd have felt if I had to write a card or manage a whip around for a bunch of flowers and box of Choc's ;-)

It's a SAD world.
Mar 14, 2005
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That is disappointing, Mike. But I wouldn't say it's unusual, most companies don't seem to be bothered when staff leave and it usually comes down to a key individual to sort something out. There is usually someone in the same work space that will set up a leaving fund for someone and will go to great lengths to get a company to chip in. Unfortunately if there isn't one of these characters around to do the running, apathy sets in.

Never mind though, your wife has all her retirement in front of her and she can use it wisely by planning how to get her own back ;o)
Mar 14, 2005
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My husband had a similar experience when he retired from BT some years ago.....I was absolutely disgusted.

Anyway Mike,I wish your wife a happy retirement,and at least she can keep an eye on your plans for a revolt amongst the peasants.You can be the Knight on a White charger and she could play Joan of Arc!! :eek:)
Nov 2, 2005
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No. you're not expecting too much.

Fair enough the council may not bother, but lets face the other workers must be a sad bunch of people.
Nov 2, 2005
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For got to say I'm heading to coltishall in about a hour for the weekend.

Mike just make sure the weather will be fine, warmish and dry for tomorrow.
Jun 7, 2005
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Unfortunaltly I think this behaviour is often to be expected particularly , that does not justify it, it is totally out of order to treat anyone who has contributed so much of their life in this manner.

We have just gone through this with our accountant who retired after 23 years of very loyal service. Not only did we get him a signed montage of Manchester United photo's (God knows why he would want that but apparantly he did)we also had a surprise party for him where all his work collegues attended with buffet for 100 at
Mar 14, 2005
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Mike unfortunately it is a sign of the times we live in - look after number one and sod the rest. She has one consolation in that what she hasn't had she wont miss and she is not under any moral obligation to those in authority at all. I just hope that she has her LA pension and OAP and enjoys her retirement with you and to hell with worrying about work. Good luck to the both of you for the future.
Jun 7, 2005
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Unfortunaltly I think this behaviour is often to be expected particularly , that does not justify it, it is totally out of order to treat anyone who has contributed so much of their life in this manner.

We have just gone through this with our accountant who retired after 23 years of very loyal service. Not only did we get him a signed montage of Manchester United photo's (God knows why he would want that but apparantly he did)we also had a surprise party for him where all his work collegues attended with buffet for 100 at


Mar 14, 2005
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That's absolutely disgusting. I don't think it's a sign of the times particularly, I think the people she worked with must be miserable, selfish and hard nosed. Thank goodness she's out of there and got years ahead of her to do things she never had the time for when employed.

Not all working environments are like your wifes. I work with six high ranking officers in my office and a couple of non uniformed staff, we have a birthday fund, we all put money in a pot when its someones birthday and the birthday person gets a nice present. It was my birthday the other week and they all took me out and we had a great night.

Give her a big hug and take her out and treat yourselves and if you and/or her see any of her ex colleagues, blank 'em big time.

Lisa xx
Mar 26, 2006
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Hi Mike.

I'm in the army and so move around every 2 to 3 years. On every posting we always have a whip round for the person that's moving on to pastures new, and usually a good pissup as well. So for your wife to be leaving after so long without as much as a thankyou i find very disturbing. I'm not sure if it's that we in the forces are that much more shelted from the real world or it's the age we are living in. Just put it behind you both and enjoy the time together.
Jan 19, 2008
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Like Shaun said Mike, just forget it and get on with your lives, be happy and sod them. Just think of the freedom you have now to do as you please ;O) When I worked for the Ambulance Service we had an active Social Club. When anyone retired the staff collected for the retiree and their spouse and a social evening was organised, we all mucked in together by running boot sales etc. Not now because the Social Club folded up since the people who ran it finished, nobody else can be bothered . The Managers are so full of their own self importance and protecting their own backs from other Managers that they dont give a monkey's who leaves, thats if they realise someone has retired. Now they stick a jar on a table saying "collection for Joe Soap" then give them the money collected on the last day, and its the staff who do that, not the Managers. I look on the positive side Mike, I've lived through the good times, now they can go and kiss my derriere, heheheh.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Mike, First we like to wish your wife a happy retirement, it sad what social services do to the staff over the years, we know how she feel my wife work for them, but now she free of any worried about work now, just enjoy life, mind you people now are all way in a hurry never got the time to say good morning or good afternoon, we do if they don't speak back we don't talk to them again simple as that!! Enjoy your retirement and happy caravaning. Trevor


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