Lydia, I live in Corfe Mullen which is the village where Charris is located. Corfe Mullen is quite a nice place located between Poole and Wimborne. Candys Lane where the site is located is not the nicest part of the district being located close to the A31. We walk round there now and again, and though I have never been in, the site does not impress me. Candys Lane houses a large scrap recycling plant and lots of lorries use the road but I cannot say how much they effect the site.
If you want to come to Poole or Dorset for that matter there are many much better sites e.g. Lytchette Manor, Huntick Farm, Beacon Hill, Wilksworth Farm near Wimborne and many more.
As Jim has said Merley Court is good and is only a mile or so from Charris, but a million miles diffferent in standard.
If you want to know about any specific site then please ask.