Although I couldn't make Appleby Horse Fair this year due to a number of personal reasons. I couldn't let a couple of negative comments pass without passing my own comments.
I am posting a series of pictures with a short piece of writing telling of my experiences of visiting the horse fair over the past 20 years.
I have not made these posts to start an argument, nor bait any anti travellers comments. They are purely my opinions on Appleby.
First off, 20 years ago, the horses were not tethered. They were allowed to roam freely along the main street, up on fair hill, around the caravans. Very dangerous indeed for horses and pedestrians and road users. Thankfully, all horses are tethered. Tethering a horse is perfectly safe as long as you keep checking it every couple of hours or so. I haven't yet seen a horse become injured due to being tethered.
Although I couldn't make Appleby Horse Fair this year due to a number of personal reasons. I couldn't let a couple of negative comments pass without passing my own comments.
I am posting a series of pictures with a short piece of writing telling of my experiences of visiting the horse fair over the past 20 years.
I have not made these posts to start an argument, nor bait any anti travellers comments. They are purely my opinions on Appleby.
First off, 20 years ago, the horses were not tethered. They were allowed to roam freely along the main street, up on fair hill, around the caravans. Very dangerous indeed for horses and pedestrians and road users. Thankfully, all horses are tethered. Tethering a horse is perfectly safe as long as you keep checking it every couple of hours or so. I haven't yet seen a horse become injured due to being tethered.