Australian tax

Mar 14, 2005
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There was an item on BBC Radio Wales today regarding the possibility of introducing a new tax in Australia in relation to the number of children. Apparantly they are considering a $800 tax on the third born and any further children born into a family as they would be creating a further detrimental effect on the green house emissions. They would alos have to pay a further annual tax of $1000 per annum for the life of that child to contribute towards steps to reduce the emissions. All I hope is that messsrs Brown and Darling take this idea up as it could control the influx of large immigrant families sponging off our nation.

When I heard this on the radio I thought at first it was a joke but apparantly not so.
Aug 13, 2007
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I have always said pay child allowence for 2 kids.

Any more that is your problem.

My sister in law used to babysit for a family with 8 kids, so that they could go up the pub.

He couldnt aford to work as he would have his family benefits & income support cut. They were given 2 semi detached houses knocked into one big house rent free & also escaped council tax.:eek:(
Jul 3, 2006
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Absolutely!!! I would say increase the child allowance for the first child by 50% reduce it for the second by 50% and nothing at all for 3 or more.

In the animal kingdom it is survival of the fittest where the cleverest and most capable animals do most of the breeding. In the uk this is reversed where the professional classes wait untill their 30's before having 2 children if any at all, the unemployable scum in this country often have 5 kids by 5 dads before they are 20 and whether you believe in nature or nurture these kids are unlikely to be any better than their parents and it's us that pay for them.

This Government also hikes up taxes on fuel and congestion charges etc, our children are unlikely to ever be able to afford their own house because there are too many people in this country. We have our lifestyles curtailed so we can reduce carbon emissions which are directly proportional to the number of people in the country,

What does our goverment do?

Allow millions more migrants into the country.

Projections for our population growth are awful.

I have nothing against the migrants as they are only doing what I would do in their position but I would like to get the politicians that are giving our nation and our quality of life away and drown the lot of them!.

I have no time for the racist crap from the NF and BNP but I am seriously considering voting for them to send a clear message to our spineless government that I at least am seriously pi***d off with them.

Rant over

Jan 21, 2014
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Agree with that Lord B. :O)

And, although I sense some of you will not agree, give the winter fuel payment in vouchers, where it has to be spent on heating etc. rather than being frittered away on Christmas presents!

Unfortunately I saw too much of this going on when I was working!!:O(



It can be just as cold abroad as here in the UK, and if you paid your taxes towards the pension in the first place, why should you not get it?

If that argument stands then people in Scotland should get more than England because the winters here are colder and longer.
Sep 19, 2006
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I personally would scrap child benefit all together.

If you want kids, you pay for them, don't expect anyone else to contribute towards the cost.

I don't get help with the running costs of my car, moped. I choose to have these, so I have to fund them myself.

Again, I don't get help with my television licence, I choose to have a television, so I have to pay for the licence myself.

The same goes for most things in life, if you choose to have whatever, then pay for it.



You have to remember that in the old days Child Benefit was paid, in cash, to the housewife at the Post Office. This ensured that she had some money to assist with keeping the family, especially if she had a miserable git of a husband.

Nowadays it is paid into a bank account and tends to join the family 'pot' and can be used for anything.

I tend to agree that it is not really a good idea anymore, as it often gets used to pay the nursery for the kids while Momma goes out to work.

However, as the majority of wives like it, and as a result will vote Labour, then it is not going to be changed by this lot.
Jan 19, 2008
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Quote "If that argument stands then people in Scotland should get more than England because the winters here are colder and longer".

Sorry SL, you lot up there get enough subsidies as it is of us Sassenachs.


Was hoping you would rise to that one, LB.

You have to remember we are just very poor Scots, and need all the help we can get. We cannot even afford to pay our national football team manager more than 400k per annum, your one gets that a month I think.

I see that the Scottish Executive have also decided to freeze Council Tax next year, if it goes up down south I can see a lot of froth coming our way on that one as well. Soon you will stop accepting our pound notes as well, now we are beginning to feel unwanted, Hee hee!

Mind you back to the original point, I gather the retirees in Spain look forward to the winter allowance as it helps pay the airconditioning bills. Better that than paying for an ostrich farm somewhere, and as for a beauty parlour in Tehran, that sounds like a contradiction in terms to me.
Jan 19, 2008
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Was hoping you would rise to that one, LB.

You have to remember we are just very poor Scots, and need all the help we can get. We cannot even afford to pay our national football team manager more than 400k per annum, your one gets that a month I think.

I see that the Scottish Executive have also decided to freeze Council Tax next year, if it goes up down south I can see a lot of froth coming our way on that one as well. Soon you will stop accepting our pound notes as well, now we are beginning to feel unwanted, Hee hee!

Mind you back to the original point, I gather the retirees in Spain look forward to the winter allowance as it helps pay the airconditioning bills. Better that than paying for an ostrich farm somewhere, and as for a beauty parlour in Tehran, that sounds like a contradiction in terms to me.
" I can see a lot of froth coming our way"

Oh I don't begrudge you the froth SL ;O) hehheh!


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