Sep 7, 2006

My 2004 Avondale van has just had a new front fitted because of fibre glass streess cracking. The dealer is now reporting high moisture levels to the side with cracks and which the feel have got in through the cracks. Hardly seems possible BUT!!

I wonder if anyone has experiance of water ingress to the front corners of later model Avondales (2003 onwards) and the issues around them. Is it a common theme I wonder.

Jan 30, 2008
We have a 2004 Argente which we bought early 2005 therefore just had its 2rd warranty check. We have stress cracks front and rear and are waiting to hear what Avondale are willing to do under the warranty.

We also have a delaminated spare wheel trapdoor and a fridge which continuously works loose from aperture. Does this sound familiar at all as we reckon that these are design faults.



Apr 5, 2006
Hi all,

we had a 2004 Argente 550-4, the layout was good and we liked it, but it had to go after all the faults we had with it.

It had new front and back panels fitted at 12 months old, although we had no damp, this was handled by Reeds of Leeds who were really good and efficient. The fridge did stay in ok but was not wired up correctly from the factory, this wiring also somehow affected the water heater when on gas, which we found out about in a field in Cornwall with no on site showers. The oven was falling out of our van, the cushions were sagging and I had to pay for two new tyres which were cracking at less than 2 years old as Avondale would not.

Avondales customer service was terrible, which was a shame as we really liked the van, we got rid of it at 26 months old and bought a Fleetwood, lovely van but even worse customer service than Avondale, maybe in general as customers we british accept lower standards and the manufacturers just take advantage.

Feb 15, 2006
hi we went to px our 2005 avondale dart in and the avondale dealer who we bought it off spotted crackes to front and rear panels. we was 4 days out of warrenty but avondale still wouldnt honour the repair. the dealer still done us the same deal on our new sterling elite though. we only went away in it about 8 times and the faults were the ariel hadnt been wired correctly, the side dinette table kept coming away from the wall, the bottom bunk wooden slats breaking, the holders in wardrobe for the ladders kept falling off, delaminating space wheel hatch, there was a 2 inch crack in the wood on top of the fridge where the tv went. the worst was the cracks though there was four in the front but two big ones in the rear.

i spoke to i think the cust service manager of avondale (not nice lady) and she tried to fill me with a load of rubbish.

i didnt pursue it i got rid of it and wouldnt have another avondale ever again even if i won one. the quality is poor, the cust service is poor and loads of people on here have had the same problems with those cracks. avondale is the reason i dont like bailey vans they look to alike ( cream ).

ill have a look to see if i can bring up the other post on the avondale cracks. it might be on buyers guide or general ill have a look and post again when i have found them.

Jan 30, 2008
the other one is on general under avondale body cracks i think. i have put it to the top.

Thanks to you both for your responses. In spite of the problems, we like our caravan, so I do hope that Avondale sanctions replacement panels, but does anyone know whether new panels solves the issues - or so they just reappear?

Jun 20, 2005
Hi Jo-anne

I think I'm going to ask Bailey to paint mine silver. I'm getting a complex about the "Avondale" cream now.lol


Jan 30, 2008
Hi. As a follow up to our post of 30 January, we got word today that Avondale are refusing to do anything with the cracks to our front and rear panels under the warranty. This is 'apparently' because this would only be covered under the first year of our warranty and we have had it 3 years from new.

Understandably we are somewhat upset about this. Any suggestions?



Apr 5, 2006
Hi Ian,

This come as no surprise, my 2004 Avondale Argente was bought from new, the front and rear panels were replaced under warranty at 11 months old and at 22 months old I had to buy 2 new tyres as they were cracking and the seats were sagging making sleeping very uncomfortable, I contacted Avondale after my dealer told me they were not covered, they basicly told me to sod off. It seems Avondales warranty only covers for 12 months and the equipment (fridge, water heater etc) are covered by thier own warranties for 3 years. None of this is mentioned when you buy the caravan. I got rid of mine at 26 months old and don't miss it one bit.

Jan 30, 2008
Thanks. I had already got the impression that Avondale are less than helpful from the forum comments so far but it is good to have confirmation. I have written to Avondale as I can see nothing in the warranty to indicate that it is not covered and it specifically states that it is covered for water ingress for 5 years. I think that the next stop is Trading Standards.
Mar 12, 2008
Our Avondale Argente has had no end of problems since we bought it new in 2005, worst being cracked wood panels above the fire. Broken doors, dents in the floor, slats in the side diner both sides broken. It was hardley used when these faults started. These are just a few of the problems we have had our dealer was sick of us ringing them and at one stage told us to ring Avondale direct which I did, waste of time very rude people. Will have to wait and see what this year brings......
May 18, 2005
Hi, AVONDALE ARGENTE owner here !

Loads of replies to my thread about cracks on caravantalk,I think we are all under the impression that AVONDALE are completely lacking as far as customer service goes (this is putting it politely!)

At present they are flatly refusing to consider any type of remedial action concerning cracks in the A B S panel on the front of my 'van.
Apr 26, 2005
Hi guys,

We very nearly bought an Avondale, until I spoke to one of the workshop lads at our local caravan dealer.

He told me that the dealer stopped selling Avondale because of the build quality and the fact that most of the display models suffered from damp due to the front and rear panels being stress fractured.

Must buy him a beer next time I see him!



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