Avondale Rialto 2002

Apr 10, 2018
Hi just wondered if any body new why my electric trips when I turn water heater on it did it last year but when charged the battery it worked so after winter we drained everything took battery home as the caravan is sited charged battery come to use caravan again and it’s doing the same so thought it’s the battery it’s a old one so bought a brand new 110ah leisure battery and it’s still tripping I think there might be a shortage some were as last year the fire wouldn’t work on electric and now it is but on the switch board we’re it shows you the battery indicator it’s on full then wake up in morning it’s showing dead which can’t be as the battery is brand new I’ve checked the charger zig the make is and the green light is on thanks for reading just wondering if anybody else has had this problem
Mar 14, 2005
Samschoy said:
Hi just wondered if any body new why my electric trips when I turn water heater on it did it last year but when charged the battery it worked so after winter we drained everything took battery home as the caravan is sited charged battery come to use caravan again and it’s doing the same so thought it’s the battery it’s a old one so bought a brand new 110ah leisure battery and it’s still tripping I think there might be a shortage some were as last year the fire wouldn’t work on electric and now it is but on the switch board we’re it shows you the battery indicator it’s on full then wake up in morning it’s showing dead which can’t be as the battery is brand new I’ve checked the charger zig the make is and the green light is on thanks for reading just wondering if anybody else has had this problem

Hello Samschoy

Welcome to the forum.

I hope we can help but there are a few things that we need to establish first of all. It can be very difficult to diagnose a problem like this over a forum, often parts of the system needs to be checked in particular ways which obviously we cant do remotely.

I see you have an Avondale Rialto from 2002. My guess is you will have a Truma water heater, but please confirm the make and model.

You tell us the electric is "tripping" but exactly what is tripping, is the mains RCD or one of the MCB's, or is it something else?

One of the more frequent problems we do see with water heaters is a failure of the mains heating element. This will usually cause the mains RCD to trip, This element has nothing to do with the 12V system so changing the battery will not change the the symptoms. If the Mains RCD trip operates this will prevent the 12V charger from working.

Its very unlikely anything would flatten a 110AH battery over night, unless someone has tampered with the wiring,

I feel you might be best getting a mobile caravan engineer to check your systems to find what's draining your battery and and if necessary change the element on your water heater.
Apr 10, 2018
Hi yes it’s truma ultra store water it’s sometimes trips inside the caravan or both at the same time it’s not flattening the battery it’s the indicator keeps going up and down all the time during the day one minute it will be in the green then it can be in the red how much is it for a caravan engineer thanks for reply
Jul 11, 2017
Ours will quite often trip if we boil a kettle or have the microwave running all at once. But I guess that is normal???!
Mar 14, 2005
Ads910 said:
Ours will quite often trip if we boil a kettle or have the microwave running all at once. But I guess that is normal???!

To answer your comment, without more concise information about both the OPs and your own problems, I feel it's not possible to consider them to be the same.

In your specific case, you don't tell us which trip is deactivating. I will assume it's the MCB not the RCD, in which case it suggests that the combination of appliances you try to run at the same draws too much current causing the circuit breaker to trip.

Check the current ratings of all the appliances. Only use them in a combination where the sum of currents is less than the trip rating of the MCB protecting the circuit.
Mar 14, 2005
Samschoy said:
Hi yes it’s truma ultra store water it’s sometimes trips inside the caravan or both at the same time it’s not flattening the battery it’s the indicator keeps going up and down all the time during the day one minute it will be in the green then it can be in the red how much is it for a caravan engineer thanks for reply
Hello again,

Again you tell us the symptoms are it "trips" But what exactly is tripping, is it the mains RCD , is it an MCB, or something else, please be specific. If you are not sure or you don't understand the question, then I doubt you will the necessary experience to repair the fault. Electrics can be dangerous so if you are not sure of what you are dealing with then do not attempt anything and as I suggested refer it to a qualified engineer.
Apr 10, 2018
Ye if u have kettle and microwave and a electric fire on a same time it will trip or electric oven it will trip mine does if got to much in at once
Apr 10, 2018
Rcb and mcb sometimes both at the same time or just on rcb no I wouldn’t be checking it my husband knows more than me I’m just asking questions while he is at work he gonna have a look at element at weekend
Mar 14, 2005
Samschoy said:
Rcb and mcb sometimes both at the same time or just on rcb no I wouldn’t be checking it my husband knows more than me I’m just asking questions while he is at work he gonna have a look at element at weekend

I am not confident the information you have given us is enough to enable us to work out what is happening. I must refer you to my previous suggestion of calling on professional help who can make proper tests to establish the cause of causes of the problem.


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