Awning rail Lubricant

Jun 2, 2015
Putting up my new awning for the first time on Friday I found that the hardest bit was running the bead through the rail. I opted for an inflatable awning for ease so that side of it was a doddle. My Brother in law suggested that I perhaps lubricate the rail and the inevitable discussion on what lubricant to use; obviously you need something that will not damage the fabric of the awning or leave excessive residue. I know from years back that we never used anything when I used to put up the awning with my dad but that was thirty years ago so I had a look online and there is a whole tool kit of awing rail related stuff; brushes, silicon lubricants from a number of manufacturers. My question is, is it worth buying this stuff? Will it make my life easier or is it gadgetry designed to hook the caravanner rather than make their life easier? If it is a good thing any suggestions on what I should be looking to get would be greatly appreciated.
Feb 6, 2009
Before going away I always give the caravan a quick hose down, so its as clean as possible ( its an older van and I like to keep it as nice as I can) and take special care to flush out the length of the awning rail channel with plenty of water to remove any solid debris that may have accumulated... My awning rail is well sealed and I have no qualms about using the hose on it, but if in any doubt, go carefully or reseal it!

A quick spray with Pledge furniture polish into the awning channel once the awning rail has dried out keeps everything running sweetly and enables the boltrope to slide through without any effort.
Hope this helps and as always
Happy Caravanning
Apr 27, 2015
First time we used the awning that came with our van it was a nightmare pulling it through (and I'm 6'5" and in my 30s so would expect to be able to handle that sort of thing). Wasn't much easier getting it out either. I bought a tin of spray from the bay of e for a few quid, pretty sure it's silicone based, and it made a hell of a difference. Would definitely recommend it.
Feb 6, 2009
Gosh Jules.... 6ft 5" and 30 years old.... I won't be doing any arguing with you!!! :cheer: :cheer:
(I'm nearly a foot shorter than you and two and a half times as old!!!)

But like you I found that keeping the channel clean and a light spray with lubricant works wonders.

Regards to all and of course
Happy Caravanning
Mar 14, 2005
For years I've carried a can of Asda's own brand silicone furniture polish in the caravan locker. A quick squirt every foot or so round the awning rail ensures the bead slides along nicely. The awning is several years old so obviously there's no detrimental effect on the fabric.


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