Jul 13, 2008
Can any one help just picked up above caravan on fri excellent condition one slight question pardon the sillyness this is my first caravan at the front of the caravan under the seats next to the main fuse box that you change the blade fuses in is what i can only describe as a charging unit for the electrics / battery can someone please advise are these units suppose to hum when you are running from mains elec when you unplug the elec 230v the noise stops i bought it from a very good agent it has a 12 month gold warranty the salesman says some caravans do have a noise coming from this unit is this correct please help just for peace of mind ... Regards

****Edited due to being all in upper case - please don't it looks like you are shouting - Jeff (Moderator) *******
Feb 24, 2008

Is it a Bailey Pageant Auvergne by any chance? We had a 2004 one with exactly the same problem. No, they should NOT hum! - Wait till you're trying to get some sleep, then you'll know all about it! Our one kept cutting in and out at will.

We had to have a new one fitted - bought one and fitted it ourselves which sorted it out.

I'd definitely take it back, no question!

Jul 13, 2008
Thanks very much for that its a 2004 series 4 bordeux sorry for asking what do you actually call this thing that hums i know they cost about
Feb 24, 2008

I think it was just called a power supply unit. (There are some very clever people on here so I'm sure I'll be corrected if I'm wrong). According to my OH it was a case of unbolting it from the floor and putting in a couple of connectors, not rocket science, he reckons it only took about 15 mins.

Its hard to say if the noise will get worse, its up to individual tolerance. I would wake up every time it cut in, also ours would cause a vibration under our feet! It was loud enough for people to walk into our van and say "what's that noise?" I would certainly go back to your dealers as the unit should not make a noise at all. As this happened on our first van we didn't realise it shouldn't be making the noise either. We bought privately though so had no recourse.

I guess a compromise would be for you to go back to the dealers and ask them to provide the replacement unit and you could fix it yourself as the van is sited now. I doubt they would be willing to do a mobile repair, but if you dont ask you dont get. Why should you pay out the money when you've only just bought the van? Its about time we stood up to these dealers, they should have checked the van completely before they sold it.

My advice would be to put the ball directly back in their court, the bottom line is its faulty.

Jul 13, 2008

Thanks for that will speak to dealer silly question are these units that easy to fit i am not one for diy my bro in law is a bit more technically minded than me you say its just a couple of wires and bolts do you have to unplug anything before you disconnect the unit .

thankyou again you have been a big help will have to check about fitt myself might void warranty
Feb 24, 2008

Apparently there's about 4 bolts securing the unit to the floor. Then, from memory, he says there's just a couple of multi pin plugs to go in the back of the unit, in the same places as they were in the old one.

You are correct in saying this may affect your warranty and need to speak to your dealer. If it was me, I'd probably wait till the end of the season and take it back to the dealer to be addressed (if you can tolerate the noise and it holds up that is). You will still be within the warranty period and may have found more niggly things that need doing.

I really don't know, swings and roundabouts isn't it? How far away from the dealers is it sited?
May 15, 2007
hi phil--- i think what you are hearing is the small cooling fan cutting in and out---i had the same problem with my van (Loire)---the charging unit does get very hot----i took it back to the dealer and they gave me a more up to date charging unit---seemingly the temperature sensor was too near the heat source so on the new ones the sensor has been re-positioned and the fan only comes on when the unit gets very hot---

check out are selling a charger for
Jul 11, 2006
hi phil--- i think what you are hearing is the small cooling fan cutting in and out---i had the same problem with my van (Loire)---the charging unit does get very hot----i took it back to the dealer and they gave me a more up to date charging unit---seemingly the temperature sensor was too near the heat source so on the new ones the sensor has been re-positioned and the fan only comes on when the unit gets very hot---

check out are selling a charger for


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