Mar 14, 2005
coming to banchory in august can anyone recomend wether to go to aberdeen first or cut across from stonehaven is that a good rd for caravan
May 28, 2008
I would say cut across from Stonehaven.

If you turn onto the Netherley road, continue till you get to T junction at Maryculter & turn left to Banchory.

Watch out for large HGV`s as this is a short cut for lorries avoiding Aberdeen.
Mar 14, 2005
I would say cut across from Stonehaven.

If you turn onto the Netherley road, continue till you get to T junction at Maryculter & turn left to Banchory.

Watch out for large HGV`s as this is a short cut for lorries avoiding Aberdeen.
hi thanx it is nice to know thanx again
Jun 21, 2006
If you are using the CC site there just follow the directions they give. Take the exit signposted Spurryhillock and follow the Banchory signs from there. Going into Aberdeen is an alternative and is an easy road for towing but adds to your journey quite a bit.
May 25, 2008
Fab is right, it is a little longer via Aberdeen but the road is relatively easy dual carrigeway to Aberdeen. Then up Anderson Drive turn left at the lights and follow great Western Road to Banchory. I don't think the new Morrisons supermarket is open yet in Banchory. What size of van do you tow ?? ie TA I would go via Aberdeen. You don't go into Aberdeen by the way Anderson Drive is a kind of by pass !!!
Mar 14, 2008
Bob, I'd head on up to Aberdeen for an easier ride, the raod cutting across from Stonehaven road is pretty twisty and too busy for the type of road. Also watch the first river crossing as you come into Aberdeen, it has a 2.0m width restriction and my brother in law was pulled for taking his van over it last year. There is a well signposted diversion for wider vehicles which takes only 5 minutes longer. Banchory is lovely, you'll enjoy your stay there.
May 25, 2008
Hi Gordon

Off topic but,

Noticed you said your B in L got pulled, did he get procecuted ?? The bridge used to be 7ft restriction I am not sure how they converted it to 2.0m. I often take my van over the Dee and it's 2.23m width

7ft = 2.1336 the exact conversion !!!

I do see lots of TA Vans on a Sunday Afternoon crossing this bridge. lol but not when he gets pulled
May 25, 2008
Thanks Gordon Never really noticed the sign OK I know HGVs have to go round, and me in future. Mind you it's nothing to go to the next bridge.
Jun 21, 2006
Last time we were at Silverbank there was a notice on the old supermarket saying it would open as Morrisons on the 29th of July.

Interesting about the Bridge of Dee ... we use it often as we live in Fraserburgh so use this route when heading south. Will take the detour from now on. Will advise my dad too.

Currently 'down south' but will be heading for Silverbank on the way home ... will use the Spurryhillock route as outlined before as we will be coming from the south. Normally if coming from home we use the Great Western Road route.


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