BBC poll - vote now!

Aug 8, 2006
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The BBC Radio 2 Jeremy Vine Show is running a poll on pro or anti caravans.

Vote now - we're currently at 42% pro!
Jul 18, 2006
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on the whole its not good

didnt think much of the lorry driver who said we should only be on the road from midnight to 4am

what a donkey

Lolly x
Well I think that all HGV's should only be on the roads between 7.30 and 9.30 am and 2.30 till 4pm during the school run !!!

Lolly's term is spot on - What a donkey - Eeee Orrrr
Dec 1, 2005
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I loved the quote that caravanners are on average around 150 years old!

I know I look ropey at times ... but surely not that bad!!

I would love to get a load of us on a motorway and box the ignorant sods in!!

Spanners - that's what I think!!

Lolly x
Jan 2, 2006
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Is it a coincidence that there are two idiots in broadcasting that bank on about caravans because they cannot think of anything original and they are both named Jeremy (Vine and Clarkson).Having gone on all through the programme slagging off caravans isn't it strange that as soon as the vote swung in favour of caravans the subject never got another mention and he went on about the bull.That sums it up beautifully his show is a load of bull****. :eek:)
Dec 1, 2005
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Is it a coincidence that there are two idiots in broadcasting that bank on about caravans because they cannot think of anything original and they are both named Jeremy (Vine and Clarkson).Having gone on all through the programme slagging off caravans isn't it strange that as soon as the vote swung in favour of caravans the subject never got another mention and he went on about the bull.That sums it up beautifully his show is a load of bull****. :eek:)
Yeay well said!

Lolly x
Mar 14, 2005
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Hang on now Mr/Mrs Plotter this is not just any old bull - it is a Welsh bull so cut the c**p. We are proud of the bulls we have in Wales and will stand up against any person who says otherwise. Without our Welsh bull where would the rest of the world be - it would be a far sadder place without this bull.
Apr 13, 2005
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Hope its not the same bull one of my fellow train drivers hit this morning crikey he's a caravanner just like us, imagine the outcry, murdering caravanning train driver kills bull, headline in tommorows sun "huge delays due to broken horn".

Jeremy & Jeremy will love it, i sent my message and my vote so i helped shut this crack pot up, probably not for ever though.
Jan 2, 2006
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It sounded like he will be onto it again Monday although he originally sais tomorrow then realised that tomorrow is Saturday which is even more power to my argument he doesn't even know what day it is.Now then Colin(Bridgend)I agree we have to look after our national treasures but bovine racism is one step to far:eek:)

I sent JV a message asking how he got on when he last went caravanning or had he in fact never been ,no suprise that no response was forthcoming.
Jan 19, 2008
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Back in the 60s, about 1962, a Hereford driver and fireman (Rocker Morris & Arthur Meade, I still remember their names) were working the last passenger train from Gloucester to Hereford. About 4 miles outside Hereford they killed around 30 sheep and 15 cows. The stink from the entrails sizzling under the boiler was horrendous. There was even a sheeps head in the tender.

Another night myself and my driver, Bryn Davies, were on a spare turn when the Running foreman asked us to take an engine with the breakdown train and proceed to Pontrilas. The driver of the Manchester - Plymouth express had stopped at Pandy signal box and reported hitting something. Between Pontrilas and Pandy we found the culprit, a massive dead bull. It was wedged between the rails but the only open wound was it had part of it's ear tip missing. To dislodge it from between the rails the fitters tied a rope to the buffers of our engine and thats how we got him out.

FAO colin ... the engine that killed the cows and sheep colin was a Manor class. It must have been a Gloucester engine because we didn't have any of that class at Hereford. The Hereford engines used over the branch were 41XX / 2251/ or 57XX class locos.

Sorry to go off topic but once railways are mentioned the memories come flooding back :O)
Jan 19, 2008
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It sounded like he will be onto it again Monday although he originally sais tomorrow then realised that tomorrow is Saturday which is even more power to my argument he doesn't even know what day it is.Now then Colin(Bridgend)I agree we have to look after our national treasures but bovine racism is one step to far:eek:)

I sent JV a message asking how he got on when he last went caravanning or had he in fact never been ,no suprise that no response was forthcoming.
"but bovine racism is one step to far" lmaooooo Plotter :O)
Mar 14, 2005
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Lord B. I salute you sir - once a steam engin enthusiast always a steam engine enthusiast. I can't understand why there has been so much "friction" between us in the past as we appear to have quite a few similar interests and hobbies. As I have previous said let bygons be bygons and shake the hand of friendship sir.
Apr 13, 2005
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It was class 156 this morning the poor animal died but there was little damage to the train, infact it went through the chassis wash and had a check before being declared fit for service just 3 hours after the incident.

I,m too young to have driven steam although my dad who did 50 years before retirment 5 year ago drove steam for a number of years and was one of the last steam men at manchester picadilly, i remember fondly waiting for him to come through the village station to give me a ride on the footplate.

Unfortunately i don't think i will ever pass out on steam for the specials either as the freight firms seem to do all that work i will just have to make do with my main stead the wonderfull class 142 plus classes 150/1, 150/2, 153, 156, and 158.

I gave up a very good carear in refrigeration to go on the railways and to be honest it was the best thing i ever did, i work 35 hours on a 4 day week and get a long weekend thursday to tuesday every 3 weeks, great for caravanning and honestly the railways really are very reliable these days, me personally i have only lost 4 minuites this year my trains are never more than 1 minuite late at any station.

Ive been from manchester to blackpool twice today and not lost one minuite plus 2 trips to the shed and one trip to huddersfield again no time lost.

I think i had better stay away from the meets if i get with some others who have an interest in steam and heritage then the weekends over for her indoors and my life will not be worth living when i get home,lol.

Why do pigeons allways fly straight in to trains ? i must hit one every single day, they never fly away just straight at you, very strange.
Mar 14, 2005
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Icemaker the trains you are referring to now are far easier for the crew to manage and I believe that you are now classed as blue collar workers. However, without offending you, they are just a glorified bus on rails. My brother in law works for Ariva Trains in Canton sheds in Cardiff as a mechanic and he often tells me about the new units that they have - I believe the latest is a Class 175 three coach unit which is very similar in appearance to the 125 and is also painted in First Great Western livery (or very sismilar). The old DMUs were not so bad as one could sit behind the driver's cab and see up the track but nowadays there is a blank wall preventing this. Bring back steam and/or the original DMUs.
Jan 19, 2008
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Lord B. I salute you sir - once a steam engin enthusiast always a steam engine enthusiast. I can't understand why there has been so much "friction" between us in the past as we appear to have quite a few similar interests and hobbies. As I have previous said let bygons be bygons and shake the hand of friendship sir.
"Friction" - what friction colin?

As long as you know your place in life theres NO friction colin :O)

Now get up off your hands and knees and stop grovelling man. Hehheh!


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