BBQ Cleaning on CC sites

Sep 5, 2010
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never before been a problem but the last two club sites we have stayed at: Castleton, Derbyshire and Burford, Oxfordshire have large signs up in the dishwashing area saying we are not allowed to clean BBQs there. Where else can we do it? Anyone else found sites with this restriction? Is this a new thing?


I suspect you will find some of those very nice people who inhabit the CC sites have left the sinks full of bits of charcoal and probably blocked the drains. Unfortunately some people think that their 20 quid site fee allows them to use and abuse and someone else will clean up after them.

To clean your BBQ get a bucket of hot water to your pitch and do it there, then empty the waste down the drain. Many sites will not allow charcoal BBQs anymore because of the mess and of course fire risk. If it is a grill type then it will be teflon coated and easily cleaned, u nless you really cremate evrything.
Aug 4, 2004
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Why would you have charcoal on the grid unless you an idiot and don't know how to BBQ. :) I wouldn't take any notice of those signs as obviously they are not endorsed by the club. Besides as mentioned a grill would be no different to cleaning a frying pan with stuck on bits of sausage.
Aug 12, 2007
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I'm frankly amazed that anyone should advise people to ignore signs that a warden has put up. Leaving that aside, how many of us can say we've never got to the dishwashing area and found the sink left greasy and dirty, plughole full of disgusting bits of food, drainer not wiped down, dishcloth (which are generally thoughtfully provided by the wardens) filthy and not wrung out? Why should any of us (including the long-suffering, hard working wardens) be forced to clean up someone else's mess before we can do our own dishes? The signs have obviously been erected because the wardens have been left to deal with messes created by a thoughtless few people with a 'couldn't care less' attitude, which such shameful attitude then affects everyone. The bucket/bowl of hot soapy water outside your van is a good idea. A friend of ours has an outside shower fitment on his van, he uses that for cleaning his bbq. Fairy Power Spray makes light work of the job, just spray on and leave for a while, then rinse off.
Jan 10, 2010
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Soozeeg said:
I'm frankly amazed that anyone should advise people to ignore signs that a warden has put up. Leaving that aside, how many of us can say we've never got to the dishwashing area and found the sink left greasy and dirty, plughole full of disgusting bits of food, drainer not wiped down, dishcloth (which are generally thoughtfully provided by the wardens) filthy and not wrung out? Why should any of us (including the long-suffering, hard working wardens) be forced to clean up someone else's mess before we can do our own dishes? The signs have obviously been erected because the wardens have been left to deal with messes created by a thoughtless few people with a 'couldn't care less' attitude, which such shameful attitude then affects everyone. The bucket/bowl of hot soapy water outside your van is a good idea. A friend of ours has an outside shower fitment on his van, he uses that for cleaning his bbq. Fairy Power Spray makes light work of the job, just spray on and leave for a while, then rinse off.

I agree totally with you sentiments the Wardens do a great job tidying up after us, some of us make more of a mess than others, is it ok to clean my cadac after the malamute has licked it clean ( cheaper than fairy spray)
Aug 12, 2007
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Lol Derek, I'd rather use the power spray myself, but ETTO. And I guess your method would work in the event of a water shortage......or the aforementioned 'no washing of bbqs' signs!! hehe ;o)
Jan 19, 2008
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Soozeeg said:
I'm frankly amazed that anyone should advise people to ignore signs that a warden has put up.

Quite frankly I'm amazed that you're amazed Sooze.

Here lieth the problem, people who ignore rules and simply think that they are above them when it is they who probably caused the rule to be written in the first place ;O).
Aug 12, 2007
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Haven't you got a dog to walk (whilst dodging the dumps that others haven't picked up!), or a cassette loo to empty, LB? How's the weather on site? Enjoying yourself? Oh, and how's your back?
Jan 19, 2008
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Soozeeg said:
Haven't you got a dog to walk (whilst dodging the dumps that others haven't picked up!), or a cassette loo to empty, LB? How's the weather on site? Enjoying yourself? Oh, and how's your back?

The winds getting bad and I don't mean from yesterdays Tikka Masala although that's caused me to empty the cassette. Our 8th day on this site and it's only rained once, during the night, but it's forecast for tonight and tomorrow morning. This site is excellent for dogs and I've only found one lot of dog dumps from some anti-social dog owner.
My back is now worse Sooze. Yesterday I went to PC World to buy a cable. It was on the bottom shelf. I stooped down to get it like the jerk I am and now I'm paying for it. I daren't tell Her Ladyship how it's got worse though. If I did I'd get too much quadrophonic flak :O(
Aug 12, 2007
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Sorry to hear it LB, but you've only yourself to blame, of course. (Sympathy is one of my better traits ;o) hehe). Now, what was this topic about again? Oh yes, cleaning of bbqs - or rather, how you're supposed to when there are signs up saying it's banned at the dishwashing area.
Jan 19, 2008
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Soozeeg said:
cleaning of bbqs - or rather, how you're supposed to when there are signs up saying it's banned at the dishwashing area.

The simple answer is don't provide dish washing areas. Caravans come with sinks and bowls are cheap if not already provided with the caravan. Water is provided plus EHU for hot water. Use the money saved to upgrade or purchase new sites.
Another puzzler is why do shower blocks need toilets? I accept that the C&CC need them for tenters but why the CC?
Aug 4, 2004
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Invariably the BBQ is a lot bigger than the puny excuse for sink in most caravans which makes it difficult to clean. More than likely it is not the people with BBQ grills, but those who could not be bother to empty the pot of leftovers before dumping it in the communal sink.
I can in all honesty say that when we have used a communal cleaning up area, it has always been cleaner than when we first used it! If on a Club site we will contine to ignore a warden's petty sign about no BBQ cleaning as we will feel it does not pose a danger to any one unless the club rules otherwise as some wardens tend to becoem dictorial. This does not mean we will ignore common sense signs.
Jun 20, 2005
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Why not save the communal sinks and hot water by
1. Using disposable BBQs.
2. Just cook on the already dirty BBQ andf take it home for deep cleaning.
3. Use those ally containers from Aldi & Lidels. They stop the mess on the grille in the first place and stop the food from being overcooked by all those expert male chefs who seem to magically appear as soon as a BBQ is lit!

The average BBQ is massive by site sink standards yet boneheads stil try to clean them in the sinks even though only one corner fits. Get a grip here and just take the dam thing home and clean it in the comfort of your own posh white immaculate sink. LOL.

If the Warden makes rules that are reasonable stick to them! Even this forum has rules!
Jan 10, 2010
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Dustydog said:
Why not save the communal sinks and hot water by
1. Using disposable BBQs.
2. Just cook on the already dirty BBQ andf take it home for deep cleaning.
3. Use those ally containers from Aldi & Lidels. They stop the mess on the grille in the first place and stop the food from being overcooked by all those expert male chefs who seem to magically appear as soon as a BBQ is lit!

The average BBQ is massive by site sink standards yet boneheads stil try to clean them in the sinks even though only one corner fits. Get a grip here and just take the dam thing home and clean it in the comfort of your own posh white immaculate sink. LOL.

If the Warden makes rules that are reasonable stick to them! Even this forum has rules!
Yes I sometimes save the BBQ for a week the bacon tastes better by the end of the week, the dog thinks it tastes better by the end of the week ( see my earlier post) then when we get home it goes in the dishwasher


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