Being gassed abroad

Aug 29, 2007
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we are thinking about takeing our van abroad for the first time,but my wife is not so sure due to the fact she has herd about people being gassed while asleep and then robbed.does this really happen? it must take a lot of gas to fill the van if it does.can any one shed some light on this please.
Jul 15, 2005
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Hi Darren,

Do people get robbed? Sure they do, and not just in France - but all over, and that includes the UK.

The stories one hears seem to have the recurring theme that people "take a chance" on sleeping in motorway aires in certain regions of France and Spain, rather than stay in a real camp-site over-night.

Stay at camp-sites and you shouldn't have a problem.

And France, Belgium and Holland are great places for a first trip - especially Belgium and Holland if you aren't gifted with languages (where English has been universally taught as a standard subject for the last 30 or more years)

So - try it - we love Europe, Robert

P.S. The subject of gassing, as opposed to just being robbed, is quite emotive - and as a scientist and engineer I'm just not going there - the important point is not to expose yourself to undue risk - and that applies everywhere.
May 10, 2007
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There are scientific repoorts that gassing can not happen and much to suggest these reports are scurilous so as to make insurance claims.

I've made at least 9 over night road side stops this year in France and Italy with no thought of being robbed but with due care taken as to where we stop and security measures we take.

Travelling from Germany and Italy for many years we've never had or come across any problems and find it strange that all the gassing reports re caravans involve Brits ????

Mar 14, 2005
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I have just returned from a 3 week trip to France covering 2000 miles. I feel a lot safer in France than I do in England. We attended firework displays starting at midnight attended by thousands of people with never a hint of trouble. Compare that to the Thursday and Friday night displays in Poole and Bournemouth which are incvariably spoiled by drink laden youths.
May 21, 2007
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Hi Darren,

I whole heartedly agree with Rob_jax.We've been to France & Belgium a few times.We only stay at proper caravan sites with no problem and with peace of mind.

We love it.
Aug 8, 2005
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I've also heard from a Finnish Friend on another Forum that there are reports of this in Scandanavia .

I have to admit - I'm sceptical as to whether gassing actually happens , given all the holes in the floor that there are .
Mar 14, 2005
I can assure you that gassing reports don't only circulate across the UK but across the Continent, too. Whether fact or fiction, the reports have always referred to overnight stops on "aires" (especially in the south of France along the major arteries) or other open ground (recently also Sweden). I don't know of reports from other countries but certainly, whether rumour or fact, I'd stay on a campsite. That way, even the last remaining risk, if there is any, can be avoided altogether.


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