Best time of year to buy?

Jul 25, 2008
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I'm looking to buy a second hand caravan and wondered if there was a best time of year to do this? I only have £5000 to spend so want my money to go as far as possible.
Nov 7, 2005
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I've always gone for autumn/winter. People are not usually buying at this time of the year so you are in a strong bargaining position - sellers, both dealers and private, would rather take your low offer than no offer at all!! But be fastidious with your inspection...
Jun 20, 2005
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After the hols are over a lot of people may wish to give up caravanning and avoid winter storage costs. Target late autumn early winter for the best bargains.


Aug 4, 2008
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Funnily enough, I asked this on another forum. Most people (and indeed myself) felt autumn was best for the reasons already mentioned, i,e had their break, will get a better van next year, dont want to pay for winter storage etc etc.

Certainly at the moment there are some really stupid prices being paid for vans on ebay at the moment. I forget excatly what but there was a 1991 van (elddis I think) 4 berth, average condition, that sold for just under
Apr 18, 2006
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End of season ie autumn is the time most experts have recommended over the years.

Be very careful regarding so called bargains!! flood damaged caravans from last summers floods.


Jun 25, 2005
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I caravanned with my parents as a child, I was brought up with the idea that Autumn/winter the best time to buy a caravan. We followed this advice when we bought our first second hand caravan, but not we changed to our current van, we bought in July 2 years ago because we liked the layout etc and decided not to wait a few months for the Series 6 Pageant. My brother has just got a deal buying his first caravan second hand a few weeks ago, he's away at the moment trying it out.

Last year there was the serious floods, insurance companies bought touring caravans for people to live in while their homes were repaired etc. Our caravan went in for its first service last June/July, the dealers did not have many caravans on display as the insurance companies were buying the caravans they had, this was a branch of a major national dealer.

As homes have been repaired etc, its possible that some of these caravans may come onto the market. Logistically at some point there should be a lot of second hand caravans coming onto the market that were not flood damaged but used caravans that have been home to families who had experienced the traumas of the floods to their homes. These caravans may only be about 12 months old.

Others on this forum can advice you on what to check for in terms of structure etc, if its something like seat cushions these can be redone, we had ours refilled professionally, My sister recovered etc hers herself. It can be done both ways.

Late Autumn and winter are traditionally the quieter times for caravan sales. Dealers need cash flow as my other half says, it keeps them afloat. By all means think sbout caravan price and negotiate but also find out what additional extras the dealers will include, eg water containers, electric hook up cable, battery, gas botttles etc. The internet is useful to compare caravans and prices. If buying from a dealer, consider the distance from home if you need to get it serviced. We have relocated since buying our caravan, this year it was serviced by another branch of the same dealer which we found helpful.

Hope this helps. Good luck

May 14, 2008
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We bought on eBay in Feb/March - to give us time to get the caravan up and running for the spring, but before the prices went silly. I thought everyone else would make the same calculation, but they didn't. We paid a fair price, and over the summer, have watched very similar caravans go for


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