Big Brother is Watching You?

Jan 3, 2007
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The thread on Children playing ball games around caravans on CC sites was arbitarily removed without comment.

This was an active debate with people airing their views on the subject that is emotive, to say the least but, I did'nt read any rude or obscene why has it been removed?

Don't we have a right to debate issues involving caravanning?

If the decision to remove this thread is anything to go by then it seems that No we can't.

I am not suprised that so many posters have decided to leave this forum because it appears to be controlled by people who have a "Big Brother Attitude"

Message board forums are there to promote debate and we will never always agree with the views of others but airing our own opinion whilst listening to other peoples viewpoints is a basic reason for a forum like this. Threads should be allowed to continue providing the comments are not directed at an individual or they are rude or obscene.

So come on Mods allow members to air their views!
Feb 3, 2006
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I notice the topic about the tragic accident involving a child at Rowntree Park was removed too while I was away. Did that get nasty ?
Dec 23, 2005
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I have to agree with BeemerMal. There should be an explanation given as to why the thread was pulled.

No doubt the moderator who pulled the thread was someone who had posted on the subject and didn't like been disagreed with.

Aug 4, 2004
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Heading for this forum is;


Express your views and let off steam about general caravanning issues.

Appears you cannot do that any more as a moderator deems any discussion or debate not fit for a PC forum. Who are the moderators on this forum and can they please identify themselves. I am of the understanding that some mods are virtually self appointed and have no connection with PC except being a mod.
Mar 16, 2005
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The thread hasn't been removed.

In General, see "children on caravan club sites".

I asked for the thread to close as there had been several outbreaks of personal abuse.

Also this debate about children has appeared regularly in the last few years and always end up with tempers flared.

That's usually the only reason threads are stopped, or in extreme cases, cut altogether. The PCV forum is meant to be a place where caravanners of all ages can share views and help eachother.

Other interest forums on the web all have moderators, and etiquette rules which the mods must interpret and enforce.

We do our best and will never please everyone.

If debates stayed reasoned and friendly there would be no need for moderators!
Aug 4, 2004
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On other forums you are generally told the reason wny the thread is being pulled by way of a personal email. As PC have all our email addresses, why can't they do this?

At least it wlll give us an understanding of the reason and if we know the reasaon we will avoid the same mistake again in the future. That way it may help make us all happy chappies. We could also perhaps re-phrase the post so that it is not deemed offensive to any one. Surely this would be better than shutting down a thread entirely?
Mar 16, 2005
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I usually do email 'offenders' and explain the reason their post was edited. I confess to being a bit snowed under this morning and simply didn't have time. Also, I thought it was obvious.


Come on guys/ladies. Take it like a man/woman/wimp. If you got caught then accept it, and move on.

I do remember my school teachers eventually stating that regardless of any arguement, the answer was....NO!

We grumbled about 'it wasn't fair, but usually accepted it'

So please give the Mods a break. They are only human and do not pretend to be perfect, but they have to make a line call sometimes, and possibly get it wrong on occasions. So what?? It is not the end of the world.

There will always be other debates....


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