Bio Degradable Toilet Chemicals

Jun 11, 2012
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Hi Guys ,Im sure somebody must have covered this one somewhere but I cant find where .

We have just booked onto a site for a break just after Easter and on confirmation a letter telling us only Bio degradable chemicals can be used on this site .


Now I would appreciate your views and what do you use out there?

I know when you empty cassette you dont know what colour is used but I would like to conform site rules as it were

Sir Roger


Nov 12, 2009
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Hi Sir Rog

I think that toilet chemicals without formaldehyde are the ones to look for, most leading manufacturers make one.

We normally use Fenwicks Top & Tail which I think is ok
Jun 11, 2012
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Parksy old boy ,there you are ,where have you been?

Have the days gorn now when we usewd to dig a hole bury the contents of our toilet..Buggram Hall has got loads of mounds to the rear of the halljust behind the Maids quarters they are just like giant mole hills .

Good vegetation . Must rush now old boy as we are decorating now ready to move to Folkham Hall

Toodle Pip

Sir Roger


Nov 12, 2009
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Nice of you to say hello Sir Roger

Sadly the days when we could leave a deposit in a hole are gone now (except for next doors cat)

These days Poo has gone green!

I do hope that your manservant makes a good job of the desecrating, he financial hardship endured by MP's and members of the upper house because of the ghastly porn on the old exe's hoo ha must mean that you are practically reduced to whitewashing the walls as well as the expenses enquiry.
Mar 14, 2005
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Your Lordship,

Many sites now have a cesspit to collect our waste, and they use various bacteria to help to break down the waste. The old 'Blue' chemicals have a habit of destroying the bacteria and basically stopping the cesspits and sewage works from working.

The eco friendly chemicals help to promote these desirable ragamuffins.
Mar 21, 2007
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. This unique toilet fluid can be used in the top tank, and also in the bottom tank. Therefore the bottom tank is not being weakened as the flush water is added. Which makes it easier to use and also more as the toilet is used the economical Top & Tail has been designed to improve the function on non-mains toilets, by lubricating the rubber seals and shutter and coating the bowl with slip agents to keep it clean and fresh. Top & Tail also conforms to our strict environmental policy, so it does not contain the highly toxic and carcinogenic formaldehyde. This also means that it can be disposed of down the normal sewerage system, instead of a dedicated deposit. The toilet fluid has a seven day cycle which breaks waste down efficiently, killing germs and bacteria. It has a fresh smell and a dye that will not stain
Jun 11, 2012
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On a serious note now many thanks for all who have answered my thread ,asI said I would like to stick to campsite rues and of course we will do

Thank you Parksy but please do not talk financial Im borrowing money from our maids,Im even thinking of trying to borrow a few bob from That blasted Braykewynde fellow rumour has it he ok for a few quid .

Thanks once again Sir Roger


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