Black streaks - awning rail 40mm skirt

Dec 14, 2008
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This year, whilst in storage, my van has developed more black streaks than normal. Whilst searching for a prevention/cure( I wish) I came across a skirt that slides into the awning rail and sticks out by 40mm. 'Keeps awning rails clean and free from gunge, helps reduce black streaks on the caravan by reducing the water running down it' according to the description. Allows the rain to drip away from the van.
Has anyone used this type of product and does it work?


Jul 1, 2009
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dont bother black streaks will show from the rubbers from the windows ectect if rain water hits the side of the van this will run down The window rubbers .The best way to treat this is a good coat of wax then when you wash spray the streaks with cleaner then start at the roof by the time you get to the streaks thay will wipe of with ease.
Oct 26, 2006
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I've started to use these and I have to agree with the previous 2 comments - my black streaks have vanished. I'm intrigued by the metal bar sticking out from the lock on JohnG's new 'van - handrail?'

John M
Mar 14, 2005
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My wife is disabled(Parkinsons) and I made the hand rail by bending the tent pole tubing with a pipe bender

It just bent before the bender broke or so it felt!!

The end was then flattened in the vice and bent downwards with tape wrapped round to protect the paint

There is a gap between the Fiamma door lock(screw into door frame sideways type) and the rail slotted in

The slot isn't the same depth all the way across so packing is needed on one side

This proved awkward to lock so the flat bit was bent upwards as mark 2 !

On site I put a long screw into the grass/hardstanding(not concrete!) and also tie the rail to the step with a cycling toe strap

I hammer in a parasol spike on the other side and tie that in the same way so no danger of the step tipping

Its worked well for a couple of years

The step is also fitted with adjustable feet similar to the one in Caravan Mag this month

His cost
Mar 14, 2005
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My wife is disabled(Parkinsons) and I made the hand rail by bending the tent pole tubing with a pipe bender

It just bent before the bender broke or so it felt!!

The end was then flattened in the vice and bent downwards with tape wrapped round to protect the paint

There is a gap between the Fiamma door lock(screw into door frame sideways type) and the rail slotted in

The slot isn't the same depth all the way across so packing is needed on one side

This proved awkward to lock so the flat bit was bent upwards as mark 2 !

On site I put a long screw into the grass/hardstanding(not concrete!) and also tie the rail to the step with a cycling toe strap

I hammer in a parasol spike on the other side and tie that in the same way so no danger of the step tipping

Its worked well for a couple of years

The step is also fitted with adjustable feet similar to the one in Caravan Mag this month

His cost
Oct 26, 2006
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Off topic --sorry but I was asked!!
Sorry for straying, but I've been trying to think of ways of fitting a handrail following my wife's fall from the step last year. The Milenco or Fiamma ones won't fit, so yours is a good idea and food for thought. Thanks

John M


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