Being an ex-pitman I appreciate your bluntness and enjoy a bit banter myself, but all I ask is that you read my posts more carefully before criticising.
You raise 4 points of disagreement in your latest post and if I may address them in order :-
In both my previous posts where I refer to "Merge In Turn" and "Use Both Lanes" signs, the points I raise are made specifically to such locations and to no other type of road layout, so in fairness you cannot make a qualified argument when using examples of normal sections of dual carriageway
returning to single carriageway, or of layouts where you are instructed to "Get In Lane".
However arrogant it may sound to you, I am not going to sit like a sheep in a long queue when I have a sign alongside me telling me to use the other (usually empty) lane.
If some perceive that as arrogance, then I concede to the fact that I am arrogant and will have to come to terms with that next time I meet my psych councillor (BTW that's a joke, not me being arrogant, or if you are anti me, that's me being arrogant, not a joke) ??
I fully agree that not all roads are designed as well as they could be and a good deal of them were certainly not designed to carry today's bulk of traffic, but I'm going to let you into a little secret here... It's not my fault as I'm not an analyst, designer or planner, nor do I have any influence over such matters, however if I was President of the United States (whom you liken my ego to) then I would simply pick up the phone and give Gordie the order to sort it out for you and all our problems would be solved.
Yeah. arrogant and point taken, but only so far as I have to level the exact same criticism back to you my friend, as I didn't start this topic, I'm simply defending my use of a good, safe car to better protect my family and defending myself against the "tar them all with same brush" brigade, when you use the same arrogance to criticise German car users, white van man and taxis in your post !! (Don't get me started on the subject of taxis, as you'll probably find we've got more in common than you think and I'll have a rash of taxi drivers having a go.. See you are a tyke
I don't recollect the first time we disagreed, but that's fine, that's part of the lure of such forums, where we can all (reasonably) express our views and opinions, and let's face it, if we all agreed all of the time, the posts would not be half as entertaining.
I am however a tad confused over you claiming to be 100% in full agreement with Colin, who criticises my arrogance for suggesting that people cannot read or follow simple instructions, yet you write,
" "Merge In Turn" is both fair and brilliantly simple, but too difficult for a large proportion of our road users to understand".
Apologies if that was a typo and you meant to agree with me rather than Colin, or apology withdrawn if you were showing a teeny bit of arrogance yourself, by suggesting exactly the same as I did in my earlier post.
Either way, I am in full agreement with you, surely 3 little words can't be so difficult for so many people to understand, can they ?
Enjoy your weekend gents as I'm off to open a bottle of something rouge and ponder for a while ;-)