breakdown cover which is the best

Sep 18, 2005
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I was wondering if any of you could tell me which is the best breakdown recovery company to go with AA RAC or green flag. We are planning on towing the caravan alot this year so need a caravan friendly company.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Andrew - I have just joined the C&CC and the RAC ARRIVALS. By becoming a member of the RAC this way there is no restriction on caravan recovery for either weight or length. The other recovery comapnies have a length restriction of 18ft. Anything over this will be recovered but there will be a surcharge as specialist vehicles will be necessary.

The AA received bad press in a reader's letter

in the Dail Mail (10/1/06) regarding the way they have treated members in the past. The letter was written and submitted by a retired patrolman. I experienced problems which took a considerable amount of time and effort before an amicable solution was reached with Green Flag last year. So far have not had the need to request service from the RAC so cannot comment on their performance - just hope it will be OK.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Andrew, I would say go for the Green Flag we been with them for a few years now very please with them, AA or RAC ok BUT if you break down they will only tow you home, so end of hoilday, The Green Flag will take you to your site and then pick you up at the end of your hoilday to take you home, Now that what I call a good service, Good luck what ever you choose, Trevor
Jul 26, 2005
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Hi Andrew,

I needed full rescue cover when travelling and holidaying in Spain last winter and was quoted exhorbitant prices by Red Pennant, Green Flag, RAC and AA. Got full cover from MoreThan for


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