Bring Back the Shine

Mar 14, 2005
Hi, the front of my caravan has gone dull, how do i get the shine back. Any advise on what to buy - thanks


Mar 14, 2005
If it is GRP then 1200 grade wet and dry with lots of water and careful polishing will do it, followed by a good wax to give it a deep shine.

An alternative is UPVC restorer, which is the same grade as wet and dry but in a liquid form.
Apr 26, 2007
hello there Gil, if and only if the panel is GRP (glass fibre)you can polish with rubbing compound I would reccomend either mirror glaze or farcella both can be obtained from either grp/boat/chandlers etc or some automotive paint suppliers. of the two I would prefer the mirrorglaze system ,first the rubbing compound then the machine glaze, then the wax polish, farcella also have a similer system, whatever you do I wouldn't reccomend using the wet & dry as the gelcoat is very thin on these panels and you would still need to use the compound to get rid of the fine scratches left by the wet & dry, apart from that just to get the shine back you shouldn't need it. I do know what I am talking about re GRP as I spent nearly 25 years designing and making moulds for caravanette hi top roofs if it is a plastic panel ie ABS capped I wouldn't know how to get the shine back,....Mark


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