BT, Virgin, Talk, Internet; Very worrying development.

Jan 9, 2008
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Data is collected on your internet browsing all the time. So whats new.

All your emails have to be stored for at least 1 year I believe, as do text messages.

Your local council and social services and the tax man and many others can now have your phone tapped if you are claiming benefits or they have any reason to think that things may not be straight with you or they fancy checking you out. (Someone voted in The party of the people!)

Despite BT and others offering AV, if you run a spyware check on your PC you're likely to find numerous tracking sites that have latched on to your system.

The likes of BT/Yahoo track sites visited any way, that's why users get so much junk mail.
Mar 14, 2005
Yes, it's a very worrying development throughout the internet. I have tried to protect myself as far as possible by installing two firewalls that work in succession plus spyware tools. The result is that the protection is unfortunately so good that a few emails from friends and business contacts are sometimes not even getting through, but at least I have next to no spam mail.
Jan 19, 2008
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Having just read this at least it gives you the option of turning it off. Like Jason said, all ISPs monitor/log your movements.

At the moment there are cases going on between the music industry and ISPs where the music industry are trying to force the ISP to give them a list of their customers who allow music to be shared through p2p networking. At the moment ISPs are refusing to do this because it goes against Data Protection and Privacy laws.
Nov 26, 2006
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Sure your ISP tracks your browsing, but at present they do not sell that information to a firm with a rather unsavoury reputation in the field of spyware.

Turning it off appears just to stop the cookies - your information will still be collected by this firm, as ALL URL requests will go first to their servers, and then on to the place you want to see.

If this gets through, what next?
Jan 9, 2008
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The girls and boys at GCHQ can track what you do, so no doubt many others can O F.

You are tracked on CCTV, your car number is collated as you drive and tracks where you go a lot of the time, if you travel to the continent your car and you have been checked out for many years but now that is public knowledge. If you use a mobile phone you are tracked whilst it is on and your card usage when spending is collected and used as are loyalty cards.

Numerous people can force entry in to you home and listen to what you say under Labours laws on land or mobile calls whilst they'll let any Dick, Abdul or Igor jump ship here with no papers and lavish our hard won cash on them.

So what exactly are you concerned about? I've nothing to hide so apart from protecting our money I don't really care that much.

If you have ISP provided modem change to something more secure and adaptable, use alternative email address to cut out problems and there are other anti tracking devices for internet use if you want.
Dec 8, 2007
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Data is collected on your internet browsing all the time. So whats new.

All your emails have to be stored for at least 1 year I believe, as do text messages.

Your local council and social services and the tax man and many others can now have your phone tapped if you are claiming benefits or they have any reason to think that things may not be straight with you or they fancy checking you out. (Someone voted in The party of the people!)

Despite BT and others offering AV, if you run a spyware check on your PC you're likely to find numerous tracking sites that have latched on to your system.

The likes of BT/Yahoo track sites visited any way, that's why users get so much junk mail.
Do you not find it strange that '1984' was written by a Socialist? His prophecies have come to pass - he has Big Borther now working here.

Margaret W


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