Building a new caravan

Apr 3, 2005
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Hello all, my question is, how long does it take a manufacturer to build a new caravan from start to finish? i don't mean from the design stage, just to build it on the production line!

Thank you, Andrew.
Mar 14, 2005
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Is there a reason your asking this Andrew? Your proably going to get a good answer if you look for the caravan manufacturer links on this site and ask their help desks, they are usually polite and could probably give you an exact answer.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello Andrew

From my experience of dealing with most of the major manufactures

back in the 1990's, There is no simple answer to your question. Different models will need different process which will lead to varing build times, and in addition, if you have ever been past one of the manufactrues production plants, you will almost always have seen fields of standing caravans. You cannot tell from the road side but in some cases these may be stored awaiting for final parts, or rework.

Another variable and significant factor is that the majority of manufactures still use labour payed by piece work. This does not lend its self to the maintenance of high quality workmanship, hence the relatively high levels of rework.

By all means ask the manufactures but I think they will refuse or avoid question.


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